Blog Service

OpenClient endpoint for retrieving and managing blogs

Create blog postCreates a blog post in the specified blog
FollowStart following the specified container.
Get blogReturns the specified blog.
Get blog postsReturns the latest blog posts sorted by the date they were published.
Get blogsReturns a collection of blogs.
Get followerCheck if the user is following the specified container
UnfollowStop following the specified container

Create blog post

Creates a blog post in the specified blog

POST http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/blogs/{id}/posts

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe system wide unique identifier for the blog 

Form Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
subjectStringthe subject of the blog post. A subject must be provided or an error will occur. 
htmlDocumentParamthe HTML body of the blog post 
attachmentURIsSetany URIs for the attachments which are to be attached to the blog post 
publishStringan optional paramater which will configure the date that the blog post should be published 


Responsea HTTP 201 response including the URL for the created blog post in the Location header


Form Payload


Start following the specified container.

POST http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/blogs/{id}/followers

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the container to follow. 


Responsea HTTP 201 response including the URL for the subscription in the Location header

Get blog

Returns the specified blog.

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/blogs/{id}

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe system wide unique identifier for the blog. 


blogthe JSON representation of the blog.


JSON Response Payload 
  "name" : "LFp0eqAfDC",
  "displayName" : "p9JbhHr3vK",
  "contents" : [ {
    "name" : "posts",
    "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1000/posts"
  } ],
  "id" : 1000,
  "type" : 37,
  "creationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:52.828+0000",
  "modificationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:52.828+0000"

Get blog posts

Returns the latest blog posts sorted by the date they were published.

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/blogs/{id}/posts?limit=int&after=String&before=String&q=String&offset=int

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe system wide unique identifier for the blog 

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
limitintthe maximum number of blog posts to return. If there are fewer blog posts available in the given time period, if either after or before is provided, then fewer blog posts will be returned then the limit."25"
afterStringblog posts newer than the date provided. That is, if the limit is 5 then the first 5 blog posts published after the provided date will be returned. The provided date is required to be formatted in ISO 8601 format. 
beforeStringblog posts older than the date provided. That is, given a limit of 5 then the first 5 blog posts published before the provided date will be returned. The provided date is required to be formatted in ISO 8601 format. 
qStringwhen provided, will search the posts in the container using the given query. 
offsetintused in conjuction with query when paginating through posts related to a search."0"


EntityCollectiona collection of replies to the blog post ordered by the date they were published.


JSON Response Payload
  "data" : [ {
    "comments" : 0,
    "published" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.724+0000",
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/plain",
      "body" : "fnus1fxn5z"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "MC2DM6Uscy",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "user-l9F5Dn5rJH3hsR2T",
      "username" : "user-l9f5dn5rjh3hsr2t",
      "id" : 2008,
      "type" : 3,
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/2008",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "likes" : 0,
    "id" : 1007,
    "type" : 38,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.724+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.729+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1007",
      "comments" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1007/comments"
  }, {
    "comments" : 0,
    "published" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.707+0000",
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/plain",
      "body" : "RC7eIx2Muf"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "6eEofrWgDp",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "user-oSXIL7OhDXJ7fS1k",
      "username" : "user-osxil7ohdxj7fs1k",
      "id" : 2007,
      "type" : 3,
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/2007",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "likes" : 0,
    "id" : 1006,
    "type" : 38,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.707+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.714+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1006",
      "comments" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1006/comments"
  }, {
    "comments" : 0,
    "published" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.691+0000",
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/plain",
      "body" : "8kL2bzNh8g"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "YQlxo05WyM",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "user-MGXL4kFi0hv7jQcb",
      "username" : "user-mgxl4kfi0hv7jqcb",
      "id" : 2006,
      "type" : 3,
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/2006",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "likes" : 0,
    "id" : 1005,
    "type" : 38,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.691+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.697+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1005",
      "comments" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1005/comments"
  }, {
    "comments" : 0,
    "published" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.676+0000",
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/plain",
      "body" : "URg4c20oN7"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "IlOijzOuBn",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "user-wg3jecmv5JlAx4UU",
      "username" : "user-wg3jecmv5jlax4uu",
      "id" : 2005,
      "type" : 3,
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/2005",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "likes" : 0,
    "id" : 1004,
    "type" : 38,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.676+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.682+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1004",
      "comments" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1004/comments"
  }, {
    "comments" : 0,
    "published" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.356+0000",
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/plain",
      "body" : "zl0WiAEjVC"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "CTKt1YUfJr",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "user-S1ApRz14YRcWVi1G",
      "username" : "user-s1aprz14yrcwvi1g",
      "id" : 2004,
      "type" : 3,
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/2004",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "likes" : 0,
    "id" : 1003,
    "type" : 38,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.356+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-12T21:51:55.368+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1003",
      "comments" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/posts/1003/comments"
  } ],
  "links" : {
    "next" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1002/posts?limit=5&before=2010-08-12T21%253A51%253A55.356%252B0000",
    "previous" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1002/posts?limit=5&after=2010-08-12T21%253A51%253A55.724%252B0000"

Get blogs

Returns a collection of blogs. The blogs are sorted by their creation date from newest to oldest and can be iterated through utilizing the date parameters since and until.

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/blogs?limit=int&after=String&before=String

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
limitintthe maximum number of blog posts to return. If there are fewer blog posts available in the given time period, if either after or before is provided, then fewer blog posts will be returned then the limit."25"
afterStringblogs newer than the date provided. That is, if the limit is 5 then the first 5 blogs create after the provided date will be returned. The provided date is required to be formatted in ISO 8601 format. 
beforeStringblog posts older than the date provided. That is, given a limit of 5 then the first 5 blogs created before the provided date will be returned. The provided date is required to be formatted in ISO 8601 format. 


EntityCollectionthe JSON representation of the blog.


JSON Response Payload
  "data" : [ {
    "name" : "aaFwGTi6Oq",
    "displayName" : "7b20P67zMm",
    "resources" : {
      "posts" : {
        "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1001/posts",
        "allowed" : [ "GET" ]
      "self" : {
        "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1001",
        "allowed" : [ "GET" ]
    "creationDate" : "2010-11-17T22:40:15.697+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-11-17T22:40:15.697+0000",
    "viewCount" : 0
  }, {
    "name" : "JClbDkxOhX",
    "displayName" : "6iFpP1OhbK",
    "resources" : {
      "posts" : {
        "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1000/posts",
        "allowed" : [ "GET" ]
      "self" : {
        "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1000",
        "allowed" : [ "GET" ]
    "creationDate" : "2010-11-17T22:40:15.646+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-11-17T22:40:15.646+0000",
    "viewCount" : 0
  } ],
  "links" : {
    "next" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1002/posts?limit=5&before=2010-08-12T21%253A51%253A55.356%252B0000",
    "previous" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/blogs/1002/posts?limit=5&after=2010-08-12T21%253A51%253A55.724%252B0000"

Get follower

Check if the user is following the specified container

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/blogs/{id}/followers/{userId}

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the container to check for followers. 
userIdlongthe id of the follower to check for 


UserSummarythe user summary for the user if the user is following and a HTTP 404 response if the user is not following


Stop following the specified container

DELETE http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/blogs/{id}/followers/{userId}

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the container. 
userIdlongthe id of the following user to be removed. 

