Space Service

Services for retrieving spaces in the system. The space tree can be traversed by utilizing SpaceService.getSubSpaces(long, int, int) and individual spaces can be retrieved by calling SpaceService.getSpace(long) with the desired space's ID.

Create binary documentCreates a new binary based document in the system.
Create discussionCreates a disucssion with the given subject and body.
Create documentCreates a new HTML based document in the system.
FollowStart following the specified container.
Get activities
Get contentReturns all content in the container.
Get discussionsReturns a collection of discussions in a particular container.
Get documentsReturns a collection of documents in a particular container.
Get followerCheck if the user is following the specified container
Get projects
Get spaceReturns the space for the given identifier.
Get space parentReturns the parent space for the given space.
Get spacesReturns the top level spaces in the system.
Get sub spaces
UnfollowStop following the specified container

Create binary document

Creates a new binary based document in the system. A document is a piece of content with multiple versions and can be created in draft mode; though this endpoint does not expost that functionality. After a document is created it can be retrieved in the listing of all documents in the container it was created in or it can be retrieved directly by the URI provided in the response.

The subject of the document must be specified and the maximum length of the subject is limited to 255 characters. Additionally, the subject of a document must be unique within the container it is created in there is no means ahead of time to check if a document exists with the given subject but an error will result if the created resource's subject will duplicate another document's title in the container.

POST http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/binaryDocuments

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe id of the container in which the document will be created. 

Post Payload

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
bodyMultipartBodythe the multi-part body that contains the subject and binary body 


Responsea HTTP 201 response including the URL for the new document in the Location header.

Create discussion

Creates a disucssion with the given subject and body. The container the discussion is created in is the container pointed to with the given identifier. The discussion is created with the authenticated user as the author.

POST http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/discussions

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe id of the container in which the discussion is being posted 

Form Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
subjectStringthe subject of the newly created discussion. 
htmlDocumentParamthe content of the newly created discussion. 
questionBooleanflag indicating whether the discussion is a question or not. May be omitted in which case the system default is used. 
attachmentURIsSetany URIs for the attachments which are to be attached to the discussion 


Responsea HTTP 201 response including the URL for the new discussion in the Location header


Form Parameter Payload

Create document

Creates a new HTML based document in the system. A document is a piece of content with multiple versions and can be created in draft mode; though this endpoint does not expost that functionality. After a document is created it can be retrieved in the listing of all documents in the container it was created in or it can be retrieved directly by the URI provided in the response.

POST http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/documents

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe id of the container in which the document will be created. 

Form Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
subjectStringthe subject of the document. It must be specified and the maximum length of the subject is limited to 255 characters. Additionally, the subject of a document must be unique within the container it is created in there is no means ahead of time to check if a document exists with the given subject but an error will result if the created resource's subject will duplicate another document's title in the container. 
htmlDocumentParamHTML for the created document. 
attachmentURIsSetany URIs for the attachments which are to be attached to the document. 


Responsea HTTP 201 response including the URL for the new document in the Location header.


Start following the specified container.

POST http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/followers

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the container to follow. 


Responsea HTTP 201 response including the URL for the subscription in the Location header

Get activities

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/activities?after=String&before=String&limit=int&type=Set

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value



Get content

Returns all content in the container. Only content types which are supported in the specified container are returned.

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/content?offset=int&limit=int&q=String

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe unique identifier for the container which is being returned. 

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
offsetintused while paginating through results to specify the number of results to skip before the first retult in the returned result."0"
limitintthe maximum number of items to return. If there are fewer items available then limit then the lesser number of items will be returned. The default value is 25 and the maximum is 1000."25"
qStringcan be used to search across all content in the container with the given query string. 


EntityCollectionall content in the container.

Get discussions

Returns a collection of discussions in a particular container. The discussions are sorted by their creation date from newest to oldest and can be iterated through utilizing the date parameters since and until. Discussions will only be returned if the authenticated user has both permission to view the container and permission to view discussions in the container. Attempting to retrieve discussions for a container which the user does not have access to will result in an UNAUTHORIZED response.

When the discussions in the container are being searched the ordering of the returned discussions is by relevance as opposed to by date.

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/discussions?limit=int&after=String&before=String&q=String&offset=int

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the container for which the discussions are going to be returned. 

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
limitintthe most dicussions which will be returned from this call. If there are fewer discussions available in the given time period, if either before or after is provided, then fewer discussions will be returned then the limit."25"
afterStringdisucssions newer than the date provided. So if the limit is 5 then the first 5 discussions created after the provided date will be returned. The provided date is required to be formatted in ISO 8601 format. 
beforeStringdiscussions older than the date provided. For a limit of 5 then the first 5 discussions created before the provided date will be returned. The provided date is required to be formatted in ISO 8601 format. 
qStringwhen provided, will search the discussions in the container using the given query. 
offsetintused in conjuction with query and paginating through discussions related to a search."0"


EntityCollectiona collection of discussions in the requested container ordered by the date they were created.


JSON Response Payload
  "data" : [ {
    "message" : {
      "content" : {
        "type" : "text",
        "body" : "vpN7jU6yrJV991aTTgRaossuuyRR24L6gwCOVCg4daJvsRAdL8RDY1HQBw8wxnCNcQOpGxCx17DM010pnG6cXVNN0tezkD5AVboDNgKCylB5JGY5tmvU7T6e4lWvfCoM21TDMO70CMGRFhQV4yPaCqgoKR3803JacC2JQQdbDTIgeLPfk0rbXxD6Ata72625cr20H4FRCOroHaAVnksFmiBsJB051FC6gWWdaza74w5cGqZrbrcwmxbop7UabVE"
      "status" : "published",
      "subject" : "ZCRVSOzDltsWiQzgzyNd",
      "id" : 1007,
      "type" : 2,
      "creationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:45.960+0000",
      "modificationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:45.960+0000",
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/messages/1007"
    "replyCount" : 0,
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "ZCRVSOzDltsWiQzgzyNd",
    "author" : {
      "username" : "user-5bbpvrjql1t4ctbs",
      "id" : 2023,
      "type" : 3,
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/2023",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "id" : 1006,
    "type" : 1,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:45.960+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:45.960+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/discussions/1006",
      "messages" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/discussions/1006/messages"
  }, {
    "message" : {
      "content" : {
        "type" : "text",
        "body" : "tIk1KodH7BTCL3ZOTH6W41ARDAugI9gCT4B2XwGdoT2p106n3f8jbIpzA7RVrjIXIK6HFvs2uN2DvnY2QmQP4J69AqeWndlmT4UsKvfwwrAKey7JLQZ0SOL3lFF3FhxhVMqJxZOebdjNPSaV4qJQZeP3qq3PB0uS318Y6qKItpSQerJuwOxmbCKGZGNYy2MuJCNrTVmFI3J2NKbVqPmxLStM7wymvBJqhswhvQsrUGUBrWKXecgCkoQqfIv7FIP"
      "status" : "published",
      "subject" : "H3sDt7NUbEL4t0CX14ZB",
      "id" : 1006,
      "type" : 2,
      "creationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:45.945+0000",
      "modificationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:45.945+0000",
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/messages/1006"
    "replyCount" : 0,
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "H3sDt7NUbEL4t0CX14ZB",
    "author" : {
      "username" : "user-oaobo2rqpudqopfc",
      "id" : 2022,
      "type" : 3,
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/2022",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "id" : 1005,
    "type" : 1,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:45.945+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:45.945+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/discussions/1005",
      "messages" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/discussions/1005/messages"
  } ],
  "links" : {
    "next" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2053/discussions?limit=5&before=2010-08-02T17%253A57%253A45.888%252B0000",
    "previous" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2053/discussions?limit=5&after=2010-08-02T17%253A57%253A45.960%252B0000"

Get documents

Returns a collection of documents in a particular container. The documents are sorted by their creation date from newest to oldest and can be iterated through utilizing the date parameters since and until. Documents will only be returned if the authenticated user has both permission to view the container and permission to view documents in the container. Attempting to retrieve documents for a container which the user does not have access to will result in an UNAUTHORIZED response.

When the documents in the container are being searched the ordering of the returned documents is by relevance as opposed to by date.

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/documents?limit=int&after=String&before=String&q=String&offset=int

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the container for which the documents are going to be returned. 

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
limitintthe most dicussions which will be returned from this call. If there are fewer documents available in the given time period, if either before or after is provided, then fewer documents will be returned then the limit."25"
afterStringdisucssions newer than the date provided. So if the limit is 5 then the first 5 documents created after the provided date will be returned. The provided date is required to be formatted in ISO 8601 format. 
beforeStringdocuments older than the date provided. For a limit of 5 then the first 5 documents created before the provided date will be returned. The provided date is required to be formatted in ISO 8601 format. 
qStringwhen provided, will search the documents in the container using the given query. 
offsetintused in conjuction with query and paginating through documents related to a search."0"


EntityCollectiona collection of documents in the requested container ordered by the date they were created


JSON Response Payload
  "data" : [ {
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/html",
      "text" : "<body><!-- [DocumentBodyStart:2a06ccd8-b084-4724-a867-2572ab3d20d3] --><div class=\"jive-rendered-content\"><p>body-1282673665356</p></div><!-- [DocumentBodyEnd:2a06ccd8-b084-4724-a867-2572ab3d20d3] --></body>"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "title-1282673665356",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "Administrator",
      "username" : "admin",
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/1",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "replyCount" : 0,
    "likeCount" : 0,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.356+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.360+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/documents/1004",
      "container" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2061"
  }, {
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/html",
      "text" : "<body><!-- [DocumentBodyStart:4e89abc7-0832-4ff3-9e76-71f8d7733fab] --><div class=\"jive-rendered-content\"><p>body-1282673665345</p></div><!-- [DocumentBodyEnd:4e89abc7-0832-4ff3-9e76-71f8d7733fab] --></body>"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "title-1282673665345",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "Administrator",
      "username" : "admin",
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/1",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "replyCount" : 0,
    "likeCount" : 0,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.345+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.349+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/documents/1003",
      "container" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2061"
  }, {
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/html",
      "text" : "<body><!-- [DocumentBodyStart:94e41926-e8d5-49ee-bed1-5539d95d535f] --><div class=\"jive-rendered-content\"><p>body-1282673665334</p></div><!-- [DocumentBodyEnd:94e41926-e8d5-49ee-bed1-5539d95d535f] --></body>"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "title-1282673665334",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "Administrator",
      "username" : "admin",
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/1",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "replyCount" : 0,
    "likeCount" : 0,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.334+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.338+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/documents/1002",
      "container" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2061"
  }, {
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/html",
      "text" : "<body><!-- [DocumentBodyStart:1cb6e8aa-b09e-479c-9a01-ba14d3591026] --><div class=\"jive-rendered-content\"><p>body-1282673665322</p></div><!-- [DocumentBodyEnd:1cb6e8aa-b09e-479c-9a01-ba14d3591026] --></body>"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "title-1282673665322",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "Administrator",
      "username" : "admin",
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/1",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "replyCount" : 0,
    "likeCount" : 0,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.322+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.327+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/documents/1001",
      "container" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2061"
  }, {
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text/html",
      "text" : "<body><!-- [DocumentBodyStart:7db9cb40-9e20-4bac-91f7-686f6a55a8e5] --><div class=\"jive-rendered-content\"><p>body-1282673665224</p></div><!-- [DocumentBodyEnd:7db9cb40-9e20-4bac-91f7-686f6a55a8e5] --></body>"
    "status" : "published",
    "subject" : "title-1282673665224",
    "author" : {
      "name" : "Administrator",
      "username" : "admin",
      "links" : {
        "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/users/1",
        "avatar" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/avatars/default"
    "replyCount" : 0,
    "likeCount" : 0,
    "creationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.224+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-08-24T18:14:25.281+0000",
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/documents/1000",
      "container" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2061"
  } ],
  "links" : {
    "next" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2061/documents?limit=5&before=2010-08-24T18%253A14%253A25.224%252B0000",
    "previous" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2061/documents?limit=5&after=2010-08-24T18%253A14%253A25.356%252B0000"

Get follower

Check if the user is following the specified container

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/followers/{userId}

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the container to check for followers. 
userIdlongthe id of the follower to check for 


UserSummarythe user summary for the user if the user is following and a HTTP 404 response if the user is not following.

Get projects

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/projects?limit=int&after=String&before=String

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value



Get space

Returns the space for the given identifier. If the authenciated user cannot view the given space then an Unauthenticated respsonse will be returned. If the space does not exist then a Not Found response will be returned.

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the Space which is going to be returned. 


spacethe space for the given identifier.


JSON Response Payload
  "childCount" : 0,
  "name" : "Community-DW8qHlpr",
  "displayName" : "community-2xj33aiv",
  "description" : "Description vB9dm0be",
  "resources" : {
    "content" : {
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/core/v1/spaces/2085/content",
      "allowed" : [ "GET" ]
    "projects" : {
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/core/v1/spaces/2085/projects",
      "allowed" : [ "GET" ]
    "follower" : {
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/core/v1/spaces/2085/followers",
      "allowed" : [ "POST" ]
    "documents" : {
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/core/v1/spaces/2085/documents",
      "allowed" : [ "GET", "POST" ]
    "parent" : {
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/core/v1/spaces/2084",
      "allowed" : [ "GET" ]
    "activities" : {
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/core/v1/spaces/2085/activities",
      "allowed" : [ "GET" ]
    "discussions" : {
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/core/v1/spaces/2085/discussions",
      "allowed" : [ "GET", "POST" ]
  "id" : 2085,
  "creationDate" : "2011-01-24T19:39:53.651+0000",
  "modificationDate" : "2011-01-24T19:39:53.672+0000",
  "viewCount" : 0

Get space parent

Returns the parent space for the given space. If the given space has no parent, it is at the system root, then a No Content response is returned.

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/parent

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier for the space which is having its parent returned. 


spacethe parent space of the given space.


JSON Response Payload
  "childCount" : 1,
  "name" : "Community-jPLUJktI",
  "displayName" : "community-6378k0pr",
  "contents" : [ {
    "name" : "discussions",
    "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2050/parent/discussions"
  }, {
    "name" : "documents",
    "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2050/parent/documents"
  } ],
  "description" : "Description 4o9kKGY4",
  "id" : 2049,
  "type" : 14,
  "creationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:44.197+0000",
  "modificationDate" : "2010-08-02T17:57:44.215+0000"

Get spaces

Returns the top level spaces in the system. The list is paginated, the limit to the number of spaces returned by this endpoint is determined by the provided limit method and more results can be obtained by specifying an offset. The spaces which are visibile is determined by the authenticated users permissions in the system, if the user cannot see a space it will not be represented in the returned listing

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces?offset=int&limit=int

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
offsetintthe number of results to skip when returning the list of top level spaces. This can be utilized for pagination, if the client is already aware of the first 10 spaces than an offset of 10 can be provided in order to omit those from the result."0"
limitintthe most spaces which will be returned from this call. If there are fewer spaces at the root level then fewer spaces than the limit will be returned."25"


EntityCollectionthe top level communities in the system.


JSON Response Payload
  "data" : [ {
    "childCount" : 0,
    "name" : "Getting Started",
    "displayName" : "getting-started",
    "contents" : [ {
      "type" : "discussion",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2001/discussions"
    }, {
      "type" : "document",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2001/documents"
    } ],
    "description" : "New to Jive SBS? Start here to learn how to get the most out of it.",
    "places" : [ {
      "type" : "project",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2001/projects"
    } ],
    "creationDate" : "2008-12-12T23:26:17.717+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2008-12-12T23:26:18.597+0000",
    "viewCount" : 0,
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2001"
  }, {
    "childCount" : 0,
    "name" : "Water Cooler",
    "displayName" : "water-cooler",
    "contents" : [ {
      "type" : "discussion",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2002/discussions"
    }, {
      "type" : "document",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2002/documents"
    } ],
    "description" : "A place for topics that don't seem to fit anywhere else.",
    "places" : [ {
      "type" : "project",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2002/projects"
    } ],
    "creationDate" : "2008-12-12T23:27:11.735+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2008-12-12T23:27:11.864+0000",
    "viewCount" : 0,
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2002"
  }, {
    "childCount" : 0,
    "name" : "Community-JmX277OQ",
    "displayName" : "community-achc7kdt",
    "contents" : [ {
      "type" : "discussion",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2003/discussions"
    }, {
      "type" : "document",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2003/documents"
    } ],
    "description" : "Description f1xv8f74",
    "places" : [ {
      "type" : "project",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2003/projects"
    } ],
    "creationDate" : "2010-09-29T18:38:02.030+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-09-29T18:38:02.092+0000",
    "viewCount" : 0,
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2003"
  }, {
    "childCount" : 0,
    "name" : "Community-GKNTSv59",
    "displayName" : "community-4wkbktsv",
    "contents" : [ {
      "type" : "discussion",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2004/discussions"
    }, {
      "type" : "document",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2004/documents"
    } ],
    "description" : "Description lXkcE3lp",
    "places" : [ {
      "type" : "project",
      "ref" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2004/projects"
    } ],
    "creationDate" : "2010-09-29T18:38:02.112+0000",
    "modificationDate" : "2010-09-29T18:38:02.133+0000",
    "viewCount" : 0,
    "links" : {
      "alt" : "http://localhost:50001/oc/v1/spaces/2004"
  } ]

Get sub spaces

GET http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/children?offset=int&limit=int

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value

Query Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value




POST http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/share

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value

Form Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value




Stop following the specified container

DELETE http://domain:port/application_context/api/core/v2/spaces/{id}/followers/{userId}

Path Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
idlongthe identifier of the container. 
userIdlongthe id of the following user to be removed. 

