
PropertyTypeMode Description

Returns true if this webhook was classified as buggy. A webhook is classified as buggy when there was an exception while building the payload for a notification for this webhook. The other reason for marking a webhook as buggy is when there was an exception while sending the notification to the remote system (eg. a 500 http error was returned).

buggyDateISO 8601 Dateread-only
The date on which the webhook's buggy flag was set to true. If the webhook buggy flag is set to false, this field will be null.

The target URL that Jive will call with a JSON payload. If system is in not in dev mode, then callback must be HTTPs.

The following headers will be sent as part of the callback:

  • X-Tenant-ID: durable global identifier of originating jive instance
  • Authorization: jiveEXTN authorization header, containing signature field for validation with client secret distributed to external system
The remote system handling this URL can use these headers to process incoming calls.
If false, Jive will not invoke the webhook callback URL even if the webhook conditions are met within Jive.

Valid event types depend on the object of the webhook. When object is a:

Place: (Comma delimited list of content object types to listen for events about. List elements may be:)

    • document
    • file
    • discussion
    • discussion (visibility:people)
    • post
    • task
    • dm
    • url,
    • update
    • idea
    • If not specified, then all events for all content objects are broadcasted.


    • Events should be empty


    • discussion (visibility:people)

System events. To listen to system events you will need to leave object emtpy. These are the valid system events:

  • user_account
  • user_session
  • user_membership
  • webhook
  • social_group
  • System events and content event types may not be mixed. This field must contain all system events, or all content events.


Number of people following this object.


Will be present only for object types that support being followed.


Identifier (unique within an object type and Jive instance) of this object.


Number of people who have liked this object.


Will be present only for object types that support being liked.


URI of the parent containers (eg. groups) to filter events for, or the specific jive content object.

publishedISO 8601 Dateread-only

Date and time when this place was originally created.


Resource links (and related permissions for the requesting person) relevant to this object.


Tags associated with this object.


Will be present only for object types that support tags

updatedISO 8601 Dateread-only

Date and time this place was most recently updated.

→ Fields used by update and create operations
→ Fields used only by create operations
→ Fields not used by update or create operations