iOS SDK  v0.6.2-113-gb00714b
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JiveExtension Class Reference

#import <JiveExtension.h>

Inherits JiveObject.


NSURL * answer
 URI of the correct answer (if any), if this object is a discussion marked as a question. Availability: Only present if the object field contains a discussion marked as a question, with a message marked as the correct answer.
NSNumber * canComment
 Flag indicating that this content can be commented on.
NSNumber * canLike
 Flag indicating whether the requesting user can like this object.
NSNumber * canReply
 Flag indicating whether the requesting user can reply to this object.
NSString * collection
 Identifier that groups several activities around the same topic. Activities within such a collection are ordered newest to oldest by activity date.
NSNumber * collectionRead
 Boolean indicating if the Acclaim collection is read or unread. Availability: Only present if the containing activity appears in the inbox as Acclaim, e.g. an activity with a verb field of "jive:liked".
NSDate * collectionUpdated
 Date of latest activity of the identifier that groups several activities.
NSString * display
NSNumber * followingInStream
 Flag indicating whether the requesting user is following the content object in the stream that was requested.
NSString * iconCss
 CSS Style to locate icon within sprite.
NSNumber * likeCount
 Number of people who have liked this object.
NSNumber * liked
 Flag indicating whether the requesting user has liked this object.
 The object that was actually mentioned (typically a Person or a Place). Availability: Only present when this activity stream entry or inbox entry represents a mention (i.e. the verb field contains "jive.mentioned").
NSNumber * objectID
 Jive Object ID.
NSNumber * objectType
 Jive Object Type.
 Information that is available when the message or external stream entry was posted by the author on behalf of another person. This person may be an anonymous user, an unknown user with just an email address or another user of Jive.
NSString * outcomeComment
 If this activity stream or inbox entry represents setting a Structured Outcome, this field contains the associated comment (if any).
NSString * outcomeTypeName
 If this activity stream or inbox entry represents setting a Structured Outcome, this field contains the type name of the outcome type that was set.
 Parent content object for this comment or message. Availability: Only present on Jive creation activities related to comments or messages.
 Actor who created the parent content object for this comment or message. Availability: Only present on Jive creation activities related to comments or messages.
NSNumber * parentLikeCount
 The like count of the parent item. You should only see "parentLikeCount" on a message (i.e. reply to a discussion) or a comment (i.e. a comment on some commentable parent object).
NSNumber * parentLiked
 Flag indicating whether the requesting user has liked the parent content object for this comment or message. Availability: Only present on Jive creation activities related to comments or messages.
 Information that is available when the message or external stream entry was posted by the author on behalf of another person. This person may be an anonymous user, an unknown user with just an email address or another user of Jive.
NSNumber * parentReplyCount
 Number of replies to the parent content object for this comment or message. Availability: Only preseent on Jive creation activities related to comments or messages.
NSNumber * question
 Flag indicating that this discussion is marked as a question, if object is a discussion.
NSNumber * read
 Flag indicating the inbox entry corresponding to this activity has been read. Availability: Only present on activities that correspond to inbox entries.
NSNumber * replyCount
 The number of comments on or replies to the Jive object represented by the "object" field of the containing activity. Availability: Only present for supported content types, e.g. direct messages, updates, blog posts, and discussions.
NSString * resolved
 If the object field contains a discussion marked as a question, this field will contain the resolution state ("open", "resolved", or "assumed_resolved").
NSString * state
NSURL * update
 URI to update the read/unread state of the content object associated with this inbox entry. If the read field value is true, send a DELETE to this URI to mark it as unread. If the read field value is false, send a POST to this URI to mark it as read. Only present on activities that correspond to inbox entries.
NSURL * updateCollection
 URI of the REST endpoint to mark the acclaim inbox entry as read or unread. Availability: Only present if the containing activity appears in the inbox as Acclaim, e.g. an activity with a verb field of "jive:liked".
 Information that is available when the message or external stream entry was posted via an external system.
NSURL * productIcon
 If applicable, the location of the product icon for this object.
NSNumber * imagesCount
 The number of images in a status update.

Detailed Description

Property Documentation

- (NSString*) display

Value describing the grouping style to be applied to this activity stream entry. Valid values are update - Each activity is presented as a separate update (default value) grouped - Activities are grouped by common generator (i.e. which app created this) and verb digest - Specialized format (Jive internal use only)

- (NSString*) state

Flag indicating the current state of an action. Only present on activities that correspond to actions, when accessed via GET /actions (REST) or osapi.jive.corev3.actions.get() (JavaScript)