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JiveShare Class Reference

#import <JiveShare.h>

Inheritance diagram for JiveShare:
JiveDirectMessage JiveContent JiveTypedObject


 The content object that was shared, if any. If a place was shared, this field will not be present.
 The place containing the content object that was shared, if a content object was shared. If a place was shared, this will be the place.
- Properties inherited from JiveDirectMessage
NSArray * participants
 The people to whom this direct message was sent. JivePerson[].
- Properties inherited from JiveContent
 Author of this content object.
 Content of this content object.
NSString * contentID
 Internal Jive ID associated with the content.
NSArray * contentImages
 Image data for embedded images. JiveImage[].
NSArray * contentVideos
 Video data for embedded videos. JiveContentVideo[].
NSNumber * followerCount
 Number of people following this object.
NSString * highlightBody
 Highlight snippet of a search match in the body or description.
NSString * highlightSubject
 Highlight snippet of a search match in the subject or name.
NSString * highlightTags
 Highlight snippet of a search match in tags.
NSString * iconCss
 CSS Style to locate icon within sprite.
NSString * jiveId
 Identifier (unique within an object type and Jive instance) of this object. This field is internal to Jive and should not be confused with contentID or placeID used in URIs.
NSNumber * likeCount
 Number of people who have liked this object.
NSString * parent
 URI of the parent place of this content object. When visibility is place then the URI points to a place (and is required on create). Otherwise, this field is not part of the returned JSON (and must not be included on create).
 Summary information about the content object that is the parent of this object. Availability: Will be present in search results only.
NSNumber * parentContentVisible
 Flag indicating that the content parent's contents are visible to the viewer.
 Summary information about the place that contains this object. Availability: Will be present in search results only.
NSNumber * parentVisible
 Flag indicating that the content parent is visible to the viewer.
NSDate * published
 Date and time when this content object was originally created.
NSNumber * replyCount
 Number of replies to this object.
NSString * status
NSString * subject
 Subject of this content object.
NSArray * tags
 Tags associated with this object. Availability: Will be present only for object types that support tags. NSString[].
NSDate * updated
 Date and time this content object was most recently updated.
NSNumber * viewCount
 Number of times this content object has been viewed. Availability: Will be present only for objects that support view counts.
NSNumber * visibleToExternalContributors
 Flag indicating that this content object is potentially visible to external contributors.
NSString * note
 The action item note specified when content is shared.
NSURL * root
 The URI for the actual content being shared.
- Properties inherited from JiveTypedObject
NSString * type
 The object type of this object. This field is required when creating new content.

Detailed Description