
HTTP MethodResourceDescription
GETapi/core/v2/activity?parametersGets the global activity stream visible to the authenticated user
POSTapi/core/v2/attachmentsUploads a temporary attachment to the server.
GETapi/core/v2/attachments/{id}Returns the attachment with the given id
DELETEapi/core/v2/attachments/{id}Deletes the image with the given id
POSTapi/core/v2/authentication/formloginLog in a user and return a session cookie for use on subsequent requests.
DELETEapi/core/v2/authentication/loginLog out a user and destroy the user's session.
GETapi/core/v2/avatars/defaultReturns the system default avatar.
GETapi/core/v2/avatars/disabledReturns the common avatar for disabled users.
GETapi/core/v2/avatars/{id}Returns the system avatar with the given global avatar identifier.
GETapi/core/v2/blogs?parametersReturns a collection of blogs.
GETapi/core/v2/blogs/{id}Returns the specified blog.
POSTapi/core/v2/blogs/{id}/followersStart following the specified container.
GETapi/core/v2/blogs/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified container
DELETEapi/core/v2/blogs/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified container
POSTapi/core/v2/blogs/{id}/postsCreates a blog post in the specified blog
GETapi/core/v2/blogs/{id}/posts?parametersReturns the latest blog posts sorted by the date they were published.
GETapi/core/v2/comments/{id}Retrieves the comment with the given id
DELETEapi/core/v2/comments/{id}Deletes the comment with the given id.
PUTapi/core/v2/comments/{id}Updates the comment with the given id.
GETapi/core/v2/comments/{id}/imagesGets all images attached to the given comment
POSTapi/core/v2/comments/{id}/imagesAttaches a image to the given comment.
POSTapi/core/v2/comments/{id}/likesAdds a like to the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/comments/{id}/likesGets a list of all users that like the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/comments/{id}/likes/{userID}Indicates whether the user likes the specified content object.
DELETEapi/core/v2/comments/{id}/likes/{userID}Deletes the user's like of the specified content object
POSTapi/core/v2/comments/{id}/repliesCreates a reply to the comment with the given id.
GETapi/core/v2/comments/{id}/replies?parametersReturns the latest replies to the given comment sorted by the date they were created (oldest first).
GETapi/core/v2/communications/dms?parametersReturns any direct messages that the currently authenticated user has been involved in.
POSTapi/core/v2/communications/dmsCreates and then returns a direct message.
DELETEapi/core/v2/discussions/{id}Deletes the discussion with the given id.
GETapi/core/v2/discussions/{id}Returns the discussion with the given identifier.
POSTapi/core/v2/discussions/{id}/followersStart following the specified discussion.
GETapi/core/v2/discussions/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified discussion.
DELETEapi/core/v2/discussions/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified discussion
GETapi/core/v2/discussions/{id}/messages?parametersReturns the latest messages for a given content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/discussions/{id}/messagesCreates a reply to the discussion with the given id.
GETapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/comments?parametersReturns the latest comments for a given content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/commentsPosts a new comment on the specified content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/followersStart following the specified comment content object.
GETapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified comment content object
DELETEapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified comment content object
GETapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/imagesReturns the images for the direct message with the argument ID.
POSTapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/likesAdds a like to the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/likesGets a list of all users that like the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/likes/{userID}Indicates whether the user likes the specified content object.
DELETEapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/likes/{userID}Deletes the user's like of the specified content object
POSTapi/core/v2/dms/{id}/participantsEndpoint to add one or more users as participants in a direct message.
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}Returns the document with the given identifier.
PUTapi/core/v2/documents/{id}?parametersUpdates the given document
DELETEapi/core/v2/documents/{id}Deletes the document with the given id
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/attachmentsGets all attachments attached to the given document
POSTapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/attachmentsAttach an attachment to the given text document.
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/binaryBodyRetrieves the binary body of the document if the document has one
POSTapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/binaryBodyUpdates the binary body of the document.
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/comments?parametersReturns the latest comments for a given content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/commentsPosts a new comment on the specified content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/followersStart following the specified comment content object.
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified comment content object
DELETEapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified comment content object
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/imagesReturns all images attached to the document with the given ID.
POSTapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/imagesAttaches a image to the given document.
POSTapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/likesAdds a like to the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/likesGets a list of all users that like the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/likes/{userID}Indicates whether the user likes the specified content object.
DELETEapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/likes/{userID}Deletes the user's like of the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/versions/{version}Returns the document version with the given identifier and version.
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/versions/{version}/binaryBodyRetrieves the binary body of the document if the document has one
GETapi/core/v2/documents/{id}/versions/{version}/imagesReturns all images attached to the document with the given ID and version.
GETapi/core/v2/groups?parametersReturns a portion of all visible groups in the system as an array.
POSTapi/core/v2/groupsCreate a new social group.
GETapi/core/v2/groups/{groupID}/invites?parametersReturn all of the outstanding invitations for the specified social group.
POSTapi/core/v2/groups/{groupID}/invitesSend invitations to join the specified social group to the specified users.
GETapi/core/v2/groups/{id}Returns information about the social group with the given identifier.
PUTapi/core/v2/groups/{id}Update an existing social group.
DELETEapi/core/v2/groups/{id}Delete an existing social group.
GETapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/avatar?parametersRetrieves the avatar of this social group, if one has been set.
POSTapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/avatarUploads a new avatar image for the specified social group by specifying a URL to download the image.
DELETEapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/avatarDeletes the avatar image of this social group.
POSTapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/binaryDocumentsCreates a new binary based document in the system.
GETapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/content?parametersReturns all content in the container.
GETapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/discussions?parametersReturns a collection of discussions in a particular container.
POSTapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/discussionsCreates a disucssion with the given subject and body.
GETapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/documents?parametersReturns a collection of documents in a particular container.
POSTapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/documentsCreates a new HTML based document in the system.
POSTapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/followersStart following the specified container.
GETapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified container
DELETEapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified container
GETapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/members?parametersRetrieve a list of group members (with their current membership status) for the specified social group.
POSTapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/membersAdd the specified membership entry to the specified group.
POSTapi/core/v2/groups/{id}/shareShare this group with the specified set of users, using <code>html</code> as the notification message.
GETapi/core/v2/images/status/c/{name}Retrieves a status level image with the given name.
GETapi/core/v2/images/status/{name}Retrieves a status level image with the given name.
GETapi/core/v2/images/{id}Returns the image with the given id
DELETEapi/core/v2/images/{id}Deletes the image with the given id
GETapi/core/v2/invites?parametersRetrieve all invitations that match the specified criteria (at least one of inviterID, inviteeID, and groupID must be present).
DELETEapi/core/v2/invites/{id}Delete the specified invitation.
GETapi/core/v2/invites/{id}Return the specified invitation.
PUTapi/core/v2/invites/{id}Update the state of the specified invitation.
GETapi/core/v2/members?parametersRetrieve all memberships that match the specified criteria (at least one of groupID and userID must be present).
DELETEapi/core/v2/members/{id}Delete the specified membership.
GETapi/core/v2/members/{id}Return the specified membership.
PUTapi/core/v2/members/{id}Update the state of the specified membership.
GETapi/core/v2/messages/{id}Retrieves the message with the given id
DELETEapi/core/v2/messages/{id}Deletes the message with the given id.
PUTapi/core/v2/messages/{id}?parametersUpdates the message with the given id.
GETapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/attachmentsGets all attachments attached to the given message
POSTapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/attachmentsAttach an attachment to the given message.
GETapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/imagesGets all images attached to the given message
POSTapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/imagesAttaches a image to the given message.
POSTapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/likesAdds a like to the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/likesGets a list of all users that like the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/likes/{userID}Indicates whether the user likes the specified content object.
DELETEapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/likes/{userID}Deletes the user's like of the specified content object
POSTapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/repliesCreates a reply to the message with the given id.
GETapi/core/v2/messages/{id}/replies?parametersReturns the latest replies to the given message sorted by the date they were created.
GETapi/core/v2/posts/{id}Returns the blog post with the given identifier.
PUTapi/core/v2/posts/{id}?parametersUpdates the given blog post.
DELETEapi/core/v2/posts/{id}Deletes the blog post with the given id.
GETapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/attachmentsGets all attachments attached to the given blog post
POSTapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/attachmentsAttach an attachment to the given blog post.
GETapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/comments?parametersReturns the latest comments for a given content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/commentsPosts a new comment on the specified content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/followersStart following the specified comment content object.
GETapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified comment content object
DELETEapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified comment content object
GETapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/imagesReturns all images attached to the given blog post
POSTapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/imagesAttaches a image to the given blog post.
POSTapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/likesAdds a like to the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/likesGets a list of all users that like the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/likes/{userID}Indicates whether the user likes the specified content object.
DELETEapi/core/v2/posts/{id}/likes/{userID}Deletes the user's like of the specified content object
POSTapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/binaryDocumentsCreates a new binary based document in the system.
GETapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/content?parametersReturns all content in the container.
GETapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/discussions?parametersReturns a collection of discussions in a particular container.
POSTapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/discussionsCreates a disucssion with the given subject and body.
GETapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/documents?parametersReturns a collection of documents in a particular container.
POSTapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/documentsCreates a new HTML based document in the system.
POSTapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/followersStart following the specified container.
GETapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified container
DELETEapi/core/v2/projects/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified container
GETapi/core/v2/search/content?parametersSearches for content
GETapi/core/v2/search/places?parametersSearches for places
GETapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/comments?parametersReturns the latest comments for a given content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/commentsPosts a new comment on the specified content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/followersStart following the specified comment content object.
GETapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified comment content object
DELETEapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified comment content object
POSTapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/likesAdds a like to the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/likesGets a list of all users that like the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/likes/{userID}Indicates whether the user likes the specified content object.
DELETEapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/likes/{userID}Deletes the user's like of the specified content object
POSTapi/core/v2/shares/{id}/participantsEndpoint to add one or more users as participants in a direct message.
GETapi/core/v2/spaces?parametersReturns the top level spaces in the system.
GETapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}Returns the space for the given identifier.
POSTapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/binaryDocumentsCreates a new binary based document in the system.
GETapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/content?parametersReturns all content in the container.
GETapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/discussions?parametersReturns a collection of discussions in a particular container.
POSTapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/discussionsCreates a disucssion with the given subject and body.
GETapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/documents?parametersReturns a collection of documents in a particular container.
POSTapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/documentsCreates a new HTML based document in the system.
POSTapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/followersStart following the specified container.
GETapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified container
DELETEapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified container
GETapi/core/v2/spaces/{id}/parentReturns the parent space for the given space.
GETapi/core/v2/updates?parametersReturns the latest updates in the system sorted by the date they were created.
GETapi/core/v2/updates/{id}Returns the status update with the given identifier.
POSTapi/core/v2/updates/{id}Reposts an update.
PUTapi/core/v2/updates/{id}Updates the given microblog entry
DELETEapi/core/v2/updates/{id}Deletes the status update with the given id
GETapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/comments?parametersReturns the latest comments for a given content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/commentsPosts a new comment on the specified content object.
POSTapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/followersStart following the specified comment content object.
GETapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/followers/{userId}Check if the user is following the specified comment content object
DELETEapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/followers/{userId}Stop following the specified comment content object
GETapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/imagesGets all images attached to the given status update
POSTapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/imagesAttaches a image to the given status update.
POSTapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/likesAdds a like to the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/likesGets a list of all users that like the specified content object
GETapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/likes/{userID}Indicates whether the user likes the specified content object.
DELETEapi/core/v2/updates/{id}/likes/{userID}Deletes the user's like of the specified content object