
Inbox Service

Web service endpoints for interacting with notification inbox entries. See InboxEntry for an example of the JSON representation.

Get Inbox Entries

Perform a GET request to /inbox to get Inbox Entries for the requesting user. Here is a curl example of getting 10 unread inbox entries, retrieving only the jive field:

curl -u bobby.tables:password ""

Get Activity

GET /inbox

Return the specified inbox entries of the person making the request.

Filter Params Example
unread Optional. Indicates if only unread entries should be returned. ?filter=unread
author Select entries authored by the specified person. The parameter value must be either a full or partial (starting with "/people/") URI for the desired person. ?filter=author(/people/4321)
type Select entries of the specified type. One or more types can be specified. ?filter=type(dm,mention,share)
Directive Params Example
include_rtc Optional. Indicates whether RTC entries should be returned instead of being transformed into direct messages. Default: false if unspecified, or true if specified with no params. ?directive=include_rtc
collapse Optional. Same as "collapse" parameter. Default: false if unspecified, or true if specified with no params. ?directive=collapse
collapseSkip Same as "collapseSkip" parameter. ?directive=collapseSkip(abc,def)
Query Parameters:
afterStringfalseDate and time representing the minimum "last activity in a collection" timestamp for selecting inbox entries (cannot specify both after and before)
beforeStringfalseDate and time representing the maxium "last activity in a collection" timestamp for selecting inbox entries (cannot specify both after and before)
countIntegerfalseMaximum number of activities to return in this request (you may get more activities than this in order to get all of the activities in the last collection)
filterObject[]falseFilter expression(s) used to select matching results
fieldsStringfalseFields to be included in returned results
directiveObject[]falseSpecial directive(s) used to transform results
collapseBooleanfalseWhether collapse the results such that there is only one entry per jive object
oldestUnreadBooleanfalseEffective only when "collapse" is true. When this flag is set to true, service includes oldest unread item in collapsed list
  • InboxEntry[] representing the matching inbox entries. Includes a field unread that indicates the number of unread inbox entries. A collection of related inbox entries will count as one unread item as in the user interface. InboxEntry's contain a jive.collection field, which is part of a JiveExtension.
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input parameter is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not allowed to retrieve entries for the specified inbox

    Get Counts

    GET /inbox/counts

    Return counting information about the inbox of the person making the request.

    Field Description
    unread Indicates number of unread entries are present in the inbox.
    Query Parameters:
    filterObject[]falseFilter expression(s) used to select matching results
  • counting information about the inbox of the person making the request
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    400 (Bad Request)an error happened while building the JSON reply
    Since: 3.4

    Mark Read

    POST /inbox/allRead

    Mark everything in the inbox as having been read.

    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to access the inbox