
SecurityGroup Service

Web service endpoints for interacting with Jive security groups. See SecurityGroup for an example of the JSON representation.

Create Administrators

POST /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}/administrators

Add the specified people as administrators of the specified security group. If any error occurs while adding a particular user, all adds will be rolled back.


Available to Jive admins only

Path Parameters:
securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group to which administrators should be added
  • URIs of the people to be added as administrators
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)if any of the input fields are malformed
    409 (Conflict)if a person is added as both an administrator and a regular member // TODO - verify
    403 (Forbidden)if the requesting user is not authorized to add administrators to a security group
    404 (Not Found)if the specified security group, or one of the specified users, is not found

    Create Members

    POST /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}/members

    Add the specified people as regular members of the specified security group. If any error occurs while adding a particular user, all adds will be rolled back.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group to which regular members should be added
  • URIs of the people to be added as regular members
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is missing or malformed
    409 (Conflict)A person is added as both an administrator and a regular member
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorized to add regular members to a security group
    404 (Not Found)The specified security group, or one of the specified users, is not found

    Create Security Group

    POST /securityGroups

    Create and return a security group based on the specified security group entity. Upon success, return a security group entity representing the new security group with all available fields.

    The minimum information needed to create a new security group is as follows:

          "name" : "{name}"

    Available to Jive admins only

    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseThe fields to include in the returned entity
  • SecurityGroup containing our group information
  • Retrieves:
  • SecurityGroup
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)if any of the input fields are malformed
    409 (Conflict)if the requested group would violate the uniqueness constraint on security group names
    403 (Forbidden)if the requesting user is not authorized to create security groups

    Destroy Administrator

    DELETE /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}/administrators/{personID}

    Remove the specified person as an administrator of the specified security group.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group for which to remove an administrator
    personIDStringtrueID of the person to be removed as an administrator
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)if any of the input fields are malformed
    409 (Conflict)if the specified person is not currently an administrator of the specified security group
    403 (Forbidden)if the requesting user is not authorized to remove administrators
    404 (Not Found)if the specified security group or person is not found

    Destroy Member

    DELETE /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}/members/{personID}

    Remove the specified person as a regular member of the specified security group.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group for which to remove a regular member
    personIDStringtrueID of the person to be removed as a regular member
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is missing or malformed
    409 (Conflict)The specified person is not currently a regular member of the specified security group
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorized to remove regular members
    404 (Not Found)The specified security group or person is not found

    Destroy Security Group

    DELETE /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}

    Delete the specified security group.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group to be deleted
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)if any of the input fields are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)if the requesting user is not authorized to delete security groups
    404 (Not Found)if the specified security group does not exist

    Get Administrator

    GET /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}/administrators/{personID}

    Return nothing if the specified person is an administrator of the specified security group, else throw NotFoundException.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group to be checked
    personIDStringtrueID of the person to be checked
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this information
    404 (Not Found)The specified person is not an administrator of the specified security group

    Get Administrators

    GET /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}/administrators

    Return the specified fields in a paginated list of administrators of the specified security group.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group for which administrators are to be returned
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first matching administrator to be returned (default is 0)
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of administrators to be returned (default is 25)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (default is @summary)
  • Person[] listing the administrators of the requested security group
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)if any of the input fields are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)if the requesting user is not authorized to retrieve security groups information
    404 (Not Found)if the specified security group does not exist

    Get Member

    GET /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}/members/{personID}

    Return nothing if the specified person is a regular member of the specified security group, else throw NotFoundException.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group to be checked
    personIDStringtrueID of the person to be checked
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this information
    404 (Not Found)The specified person is not a regular member of the specified security group

    Get Members

    GET /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}/members

    Return the specified fields in a paginated list of regular members of the specified security group.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group for which regular members are to be returned
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first matching regular member to be returned (default is 0)
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of regular members to be returned (default is 25)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (default is @summary)
  • Person[] listing the regular members of this security group
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorized to retrieve security groups information
    404 (Not Found)The specified security group does not exist

    Get Security Group

    GET /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}

    Return the specified fields in an entity for the specified security group.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group to be returned
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (default value is @standard)
  • SecurityGroup
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Any of the input fields are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorized to retrieve security groups
    404 (Not Found)The specified security group does not exist

    Get Security Group By Name

    GET /securityGroups/name/{name}

    Return a SecurityGroup whose name matches the specified name.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    nameStringtruename of the security group to be returned
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned for each security group (default value is @standard)
  • SecurityGroup
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    404 (Not Found)if the name does not match a valid security group
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorized to retrieve security groups
    Since: 3.1

    Get Security Groups

    GET /securityGroups

    Return the specified fields in a paginated list of security groups that match the specified selection criteria (or all security groups if no criteria are specified).

    This service supports the following filters. Parameters, when used, should be wrapped in parentheses, and multiple values separated by commas. See the examples for clarification.

    Filter Params Example
    updated One or two timestamps in ISO-8601 format. If one timestamp is specified, all security groups updated since that timestamp will be selected. If two timestamps are specified, all security groups updated in the specified range will be selected. ?filter=updated(2012-01-31T22:46:12.044%2B0000,2012-12-03T22:46:12.044%2B0000)

    This service supports the following sort types.

    Sort Description
    nameAsc Sort by name in ascending order. This is the default sort order.
    updatedAsc Sort by the date this security group was most recently updated, in ascending order.

    Available to Jive admins only

    Query Parameters:
    filterObject[]falseThe filter criteria used to select security groups. Since 3.6.
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first matching security group to be returned (default value is 0)
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of security groups to be returned (default value is 25)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned for each security group (default value is @standard)
    sortStringfalseOptional sort to apply to the search results. Since 3.6.
  • SecurityGroup[]
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Any of the input fields are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorized to retrieve security groups

    Update Security Group

    PUT /securityGroups/{securityGroupID}

    Update an existing security group based on the specified security group entity. Upon success, return a security group entity representing the updated security group with all available fields.


    Available to Jive admins only

    Path Parameters:
    securityGroupIDStringtrueID of the security group to be updated
  • SecurityGroup containing our group information
  • Retrieves:
  • SecurityGroup reflecting the updated security group
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)if any of the input fields are malformed
    409 (Conflict)if the requested group would violate the uniqueness constraint on security group names
    403 (Forbidden)if the requesting user is not authorized to update security groups
    404 (Not Found)if the requested security group does not exist