Requires ModuleWhat's this?
This capability is implemented by a Jive Module.
This feature may not be available on all Jive instances.


Video Service

Service for retrieving still images of videos, both embedded or not, and information about embedded videos. Use the Content Service (i.e. /contents) for creating, updating and deleting regular videos.


Available only when the Video plugin is installed in this Jive instance

Since: 3.1
Requires ModuleWhat's this?
This capability is implemented by a Jive Module.
This feature may not be available on all Jive instances.

Get Embedded Video

GET /videos/embedded/{videoID}/contentType/{contentType}/contentID/{contentID}

Return the specified embedded video with the specified fields. The parameters contentType and contentID are usually obtained from the body of the content object that contains the embedded video. In the body look for a macro named 'jive-content-video' and in particular for the attributes 'data-object-type', 'data-object-id' and 'data-video-ids'.

Path Parameters:
videoIDStringtrueThe ID of the embedded video to be returned (obtained from 'data-video-id')
contentTypeStringtrueThe ID that represents the type of content that contains the video (obtained from 'data-object-type')
contentIDStringtrueThe ID of the content that contains the video (obtained from 'data-object-id')
Query Parameters:
fieldsStringfalseThe fields to be returned
  • A Video containing the specified video
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    400 (Bad Request)If any input field is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)If you are not allowed to access the specified content object
    404 (Not Found)If the specified content does not exist
    Requires ModuleWhat's this?
    This capability is implemented by a Jive Module.
    This feature may not be available on all Jive instances.

    Get Video Image

    GET /videos/images/{videoID}

    Return the still image of the specified video as binary content and scaled to the requested size.

    Path Parameters:
    videoIDStringtruethe ID of the video to return its still image
    Query Parameters:
    sizeIntegerfalsesize to scale the video to. By default this is 520.
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    400 (Bad Request)if an input parameter is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)if the requesting user is not allowed to retrieve this image
    500 (Internal Server Error)if an I/O error occurs while processing this image
    404 (Not Found)if the requested video does not exist
    Requires ModuleWhat's this?
    This capability is implemented by a Jive Module.
    This feature may not be available on all Jive instances.

    Upload New Video

    POST /videos

    Upload a video as a multipart/form-data request body, pass it to the video provider, and return a 201 (Accepted) status.

  • multipart/form-data body that includes the uploaded video
  • Retrieves:
  • Video representing the uploaded video
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)A field with a "filename" property is not found, or the video is too large
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authenticated, or is not allowed to upload videos
    410 (Gone)Videos are not supported in this Jive instance
    500 (Internal Server Error)A processing error occurs while saving a video
    (Invalid License)An invalid license was found while processing this request