
This object defines the configuration for displaying a content banner.
     "bgColor" : "cccccc",
     "repeat" : "cover",
     "position" : "center center",
     "textColor" : "ffffff",
     "imageURI" : "imageURI"

Will only be available when content redesign feature toggle is activated.

Since: 3.14


PropertyTypeMode Description

The banner color expressed as an HTML color code, e.g. transparent, ffffff = white, 000000 = black.


Identifier (unique within an object type and Jive instance) of this object.


The URI of the banner image.


The banner image position value expressed as a "background-position" CSS value. Possible values are:

  • left top
  • left center
  • left bottom
  • center top
  • center center
  • center bottom
  • right top
  • right center
  • right bottom

If only one keyword is specified, the other value is assumed to be "center"


The banner image repeat value. Possible values are:

  • repeat - The background image will repeat both vertically and horizontally.
  • repeat-x - The background image will repeat horizontally.
  • repeat-y - The background image will repeat vertically.
  • no-repeat - The background image will not repeat.
  • cover - The background image will be scaled to fit.


The banner text color expressed as an HTML color code, e.g. transparent, ffffff = white, 000000 = black.

→ Fields used by update and create operations
→ Fields used only by create operations
→ Fields not used by update or create operations