
This object defines the configuration for displaying the header. It is currently only used for places but may be used in other parts of the application in the future, such as pages or profiles.
     "bgPresetImageUrl" : "/resources/statics/1234/header_img.jpg",
     "bgColor" : "cccccc",
     "bgRepeat" : "cover",
     "bgPosition" : "center center",
     "bgType" : "preset",
     "textColor" : "ffffff"
Since: 3.9


PropertyTypeMode Description

The header color expressed as an HTML color code, e.g. transparent, ffffff = white, 000000 = black.


The display name of the custom header background image


The URL of the header background image for an image other than the pre-installed background images.


The background image position value expressed as a "background-position" CSS value. Possible values are:

  • left top
  • left center
  • left bottom
  • center top
  • center center
  • center bottom
  • right top
  • right center
  • right bottom

If only one keyword is specified, the other value is assumed to be "center"


The URL of the header background image when a pre-installed header background image is selected.


The background image repeat value. Possible values are:

  • repeat - The background image will repeat both vertically and horizontally.
  • repeat-x - The background image will repeat horizontally.
  • repeat-y - The background image will repeat vertically.
  • no-repeat - The background image will not repeat.
  • cover - The background image will be scaled to fit.


Indicates whether the background image is a pre-installed image ("preset") or an image specified or uploaded by a user ("custom")


The header text color expressed as an HTML color code, e.g. transparent, ffffff = white, 000000 = black.

→ Fields used by update and create operations
→ Fields used only by create operations
→ Fields not used by update or create operations