
Information about the object being moderated. See for information about the entity that contains this object.

Since: 3.12


PropertyTypeMode Description
The person associated with this object being moderated. The value of this field varies depending on the type of moderation, as described below.
  • moderated content: the author
  • person registration: the registrant
  • profile image: the owner of the profile for which this image is being added
  • abuse item: last person who flagged the content as abusive
Short name for this object being moderated. Refer to the list below for what this field contains, depending on the type of moderation.
  • moderated content: the subject field for the content
  • person registration: name of the person
  • profile image: the string 'Profile Image'
A URI to the HTML representation of this object.

Identifier (unique within an object type and Jive instance) of this object.

A media link representing the image of this object. The value of this field varies depending on the type of moderation, as described below.
  • moderated content: avatar of the author
  • person registration: avatar of the registrant
  • profile image: the image being moderated
  • abuse item: avatar of the last person who flagged the content as abusive
The type of this object being moderated. Example values: comment, discussion, document, person, profileImage.
publishedISO 8601 Dateread-only
The date and time this object was first published to the community.

Resource links (and related permissions for the requesting person) relevant to this object.

Summary for this object being moderated. Up to 256 characters. Refer to the list below for what this field contains, depending on the type of moderation.
  • moderated content: the text content
  • person registration: N/A
  • profile image: 'Profile Image for ' followed by the name of the person
updatedISO 8601 Dateread-only
The date and time this object was last updated.
A URI to the v3 REST API representation of this object.
→ Fields used by update and create operations
→ Fields used only by create operations
→ Fields not used by update or create operations