Place Use Cases

Create Personal Blog

Unless you are a Jive admin, you can only create a personal blog for yourself.

First, retrieve the person for which you wish to create a blog. Take the value from the resources.self.ref field, and use it to replace value for parent in the following JSON data.

Pass a params object containing the following JSON data to the create places method:


The minimum amount of information required to create a blog is shown in the following JSON data:

        "name" : "My New Personal Blog",
        "parent" : "",
        "displayName" : "chris",
        "type" : "blog"

Create Place Blog

You must be a Jive admin, or an owner of the specified place, in order to create a place blog.

First, retrieve the place for which you wish to create a blog. Take the value from the resources.self.ref field, and use it to replace the value for parent in the following JSON data.

Pass a params object containing the following JSON data to the create places method:


The minimum amount of information required to create a blog is shown in the following JSON data:

        "name" : "My New Place Blog",
        "parent" : "",
        "displayName" : "place_blog",
        "type" : "blog"

Get Place Blog

First, retrieve the place for which you wish to get its blog. Then get all the places that exist in the place by executing getPlaces(). If the place has a blog then you will find an element in the returned list of places that is of type blog.

Destroy Place

First, retrieve the place that you wish to destroy. Then,call the destroy() method on the place object that you retrieved.


Destroying a place will also destroy all of the child places (such as projects and blogs), as well as all content in this place.