A blog
is a place that contains posts. A Blog belongs to a place
or to a person. An example JSON representation looks like this:
Example JSON
JSON including important fields and a Blog's resources. See the tables below for a list of all fields and resources.
{ "type" : "blog", "name" : "Fred Flintstone's Blog", "parent" : "", "displayName" : "fred", "description" : "A blog by Fred", "status" : "Active", "contentTypes" : [ "post" ], "viewCount" : 6, "published" : "2011-09-23T22:46:58.669+0000", "updated" : "2011-09-23T22:46:58.669+0000", "visibleToExternalContributors" : false, "followerCount" : 0, "resources" : { "contents" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET" ] }, "self" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "PUT", "GET", "DELETE" ] }, "html" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET" ] }, "followingIn" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET" ] }, "activity" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET" ] }, "statics" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "POST", "GET" ] } }, "id" : "1015" }
See Place Use Cases for advanced examples.
Create Personal Blog
POST to /places creates a new personal blog. The minimum set of fields you must include are:
{ "name" : "My New Personal Blog", "parent" : "", "displayName" : "chris", "type": "blog" }
Create Blog for a Place
POST to /places creates a new blog for a place. The minimum set of fields you must include are:
{ "name" : "Water Cooler Blog", "parent" : "", "displayName" : "water-cooler-blog", "type": "blog" }
Field | Type | Mode † | Description |
contentTypes | String[] | read-only | Blogs can only have Posts. Other content types cannot be added. |
description | String | optional | Human readable description of this place. |
displayName | String | required | Display name of this place. It must be unique among places of the same type in this Jive instance. This value is used to compose the URL for the HTML presentation of this place in the Jive user interface, so its syntax must conform to the following rules:
followerCount | Integer | read-only | Number of people following this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support being followed. |
highlightBody | String | read-only | Highlight snippet of a search match in the body or description. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
highlightSubject | String | read-only | Highlight snippet of a search match in the subject or name. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
highlightTags | String | read-only | Highlight snippet of a search match in tags. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
iconCss | String | read-only | CSS Style to locate icon within sprite. |
id | String | read-only | Identifier (unique within an object type and Jive instance) of this object. This field is internal to Jive and should not be confused with contentID or placeID used in URIs. |
likeCount | Integer | read-only | Number of people who have liked this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support being liked. |
name | String | required | Formal name of this place. It must be unique among places of the same type in this Jive instance. |
parent | String | required | URI of the place that contains this blog. URI may either be to a place, or to a person (for a personal blog). |
parentContent | Summary | read-only | Summary information about the content object that is the parent of this object. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
parentPlace | Summary | read-only | Summary information about the place that contains this object. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
placeID | String | read-only | Internal Jive ID associated with the place. |
placeTopics | PlaceTopic[] | optional | List of place topics applied to this place |
published | ISO 8601 Date | read-only | Date and time when this place was originally created. |
resources | Object | read-only | Resource links (and related permissions for the requesting person) relevant to this object. |
searchRankings | Object | read-only | A map of search result scores including social signals. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
status | String | read-only | Visibility status of this place ("Active", "Archived", "Deleted"). |
type | String | required | The object type of this object ("blog"). |
updated | ISO 8601 Date | read-only | Date and time this place was most recently updated. |
viewCount | Integer | read-only | Number of times this place has been viewed. Availability:Will be present only for objects that support view counts |
visibleToExternalContributors | Boolean | optional | Flag indicating that this place is potentially visible to external contributors. |
followed | Boolean | read-only | Whether the current user is following this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support being followed. |
promotedResult | Boolean | read-only | A boolean determining whether this search result is a promoted result Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
Resource | Method | Description |
activity | GET | Return a paginated list of activities that have occurred within this place. Retrieves: |
contents | GET | Return the first page of a paginated list of contents that are contained in this place. |
extprops | DELETE | Deletes all extended properties for a place. Availability:Place should be editable to caller. |
entitlements | GET | |
extprops | GET | Returns extended properties for a place. Availability:Place should be visible to caller. Retrieves: |
extprops | POST | Creates extended properties for a place. { "any prop name": "any val", "any prop2 name": "any val" } Availability:Place should be editable to caller. Retrieves: |
featuredContent | GET | Return a list of featured content objects in this place. Retrieves: |
followers | GET | Return a paginated list of the people following this place. Retrieves:Since: 3.5 |
followingIn | GET | Return the custom streams (if any) in which the requesting person is following this place. Retrieves: |
html | GET | URI of the HTML representation of this place. |
self | GET | Return an updated version of this place. Retrieves: |
self | PUT | Update the information about this place and return an updated entity. Retrieves: |
self | DELETE | Delete this place and any related content. |
statics | POST | Create a new static resource for this place with the specified characteristics, and return an entity describing it. { "filename" : "{filename of the static resource}" } A description field may optionally be included as well. Retrieves:Since: 3.1 |
statics | GET | Return the list of static resources associated with this place. Retrieves: |