
A SectionEntry represents an element within a Section of a Support Center page (or other solution page). A section entry contains the actual content of a section. Section entries can be used to define header, footer, or place-related content. The sectionEntryType field defines the type of section entry. For examples of SectionEntry usage, see the documentation for Section.

Since: 3.12


FieldTypeMode Description

The background color to use for the section entry.


The background image to use for the section entry.


The background link color to use for the section entry.


The background position color to use for the section entry. Valid values are 'left top', 'left center', 'left bottom', 'center top', 'center center', 'center bottom', 'right top', 'right center', and 'right bottom'.


If the sectionEntryType is 'place', this field is an ordered list of Content objects referenced by this SectionEntry. These content objects are drawn first from Featured Content in the place. If there are no Featured Content items, they are drawn from Trending Content. If Recommender is turned off or there are no Trending Content items, they are drawn from Recent Content. If there are no Recent Content items, the list will be empty. The maximum number of items displayed is configured via the system property 'section.entry.content.items.limit'.


Description of this section entry. If the sectionEntryType is 'place', the description will be the description of the Place. If the sectionEntryType is 'banner', the name will be used as the subtitle. If the sectionEntryType is 'channel', the name is used for the body text of the channel item.


The color which should be used for the description text in the section entry display.


The glyph that should be displayed in the channel display.


The color of the glyph that should be displayed in the channel display.


Identifier (unique within an object type and Jive instance) of this object. This field is internal to Jive and should not be confused with contentID or placeID used in URIs.


The text to use for the 'uri' link in the section entry of type 'channel'.


Name of this section entry. If the sectionEntryType is 'place', the name will be the name of the Place. If the sectionEntryType is 'banner', the name will be used as the title. If the sectionEntryType is 'channel', the name is used for the title of the channel item.


The color which should be used for the name text in the section entry display.


If the sectionEntryType is 'place', this field is the Place object referenced by this SectionEntry.

publishedISO 8601 Dateread-only

Date and time this object was originally created.


Resource links (and related permissions for the requesting person) relevant to this object.


Type of this section entry. Must be one of 'place', 'banner', or 'channel'. 'place' is used to reference a Place as in the style of SupportCenter. 'banner' is used for a header of a page, with a heading and subheading. 'channel' is used for small areas that link out to other media sources. For a 'banner', valid attributes are name, nameTextColor, description, descriptionTextColor, uri, linkText, bgColor, bgLinkColor, bgImage, and bgPosition. For a 'channel', valid attributes are name, nameTextColor, description, descriptionTextColor, uri, linkText, glyph, and glyphColor.


The object type of this object.

updatedISO 8601 Dateread-only

Date and time this object was most recently updated.


The uri which can be linked to in the section entry display.

→ Fields used by update and create operations
→ Fields used only by create operations
→ Fields not used by update or create operations