An entity representing a file in Jive.
Example JSON
JSON including important fields and a File's resources. See the tables below for a list of all fields and resources.
{ "type" : "file", "status" : "published", "subject" : "Social File", "content" : { "type" : "text/html", "text" : "<body><p>Look at this Excel doc. Let me know what you think.</p></body>" }, "contentType" : "text/html", "name" : "file-name", "size" : "307284", "authorship" : "author", "authors" : [ { "name" : { "formatted" : "Administrator" }, "type" : "person", "displayName" : "Administrator", "id" : "1" } ], "author" : { "name" : { "formatted" : "Administrator" }, "type" : "person", "displayName" : "Administrator", "id" : "1" }, "visibility" : "all", "visibleToExternalContributors" : false, "binaryURL" : "", "viewCount" : 1, "replyCount" : 0, "followerCount" : 0, "likeCount" : 0, "published" : "2012-07-12T21:26:05.532+0000", "updated" : "2012-07-12T21:26:05.915+0000", "tags" : [ "finance" ], "id" : "1431", "resources" : { "versions" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET" ] }, "likes" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET" ] }, "self" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "DELETE", "GET", "PUT" ] }, "html" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET" ] }, "followingIn" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET" ] }, "comments" : { "ref" : "", "allowed" : [ "GET", "POST" ] } } }
Field | Type | Mode † | Description |
abuseCount | Integer | read-only | Number of abuse reports associated with this content object. |
| Person | read-only | Author of this content object. |
| Person[] | optional | List of people who are authors on this content. Authors are allowed to edit the content. This value is used only when authorship is limited. |
| String | optional | The authorship policy for this content.
binaryURL | String | read-only | URL to retrieve the binary content of this file. |
categories | String[] | optional | Categories associated with this object. Places define the list of possible categories. |
content | ContentBody | required | Content of this content object. |
contentID | String | read-only | Internal Jive ID associated with the content. |
contentImages | Image[] | read-only | A list of Image objects providing metadata about images embedded within this content. |
contentType | String | read-only | The MIME type of this file. Since: 3.1 |
contentVideos | ContentVideo[] | read-only | A list of ContentVideo objects providing metadata about videos embedded within this content. |
editingBy | Person | read-only | The person currently editing this document, meaning that it's locked. If not present, nobody is editing. |
extendedAuthors | Person[] | optional | List of people who have been granted authorship on this content, who would normally not have access to it. Extended authors are allowed to edit the content. This value is used only when authorship is limited. |
favoriteCount | Integer | read-only | Number of people who have bookmarked this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support being bookmarked. Since: 3.11 |
followerCount | Integer | read-only | Number of people following this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support being followed. |
highlightBody | String | read-only | Highlight snippet of a search match in the body or description. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
highlightSubject | String | read-only | Highlight snippet of a search match in the subject or name. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
highlightTags | String | read-only | Highlight snippet of a search match in tags. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
iconCss | String | read-only | CSS Style to locate icon within sprite. |
id | String | read-only | Identifier (unique within an object type and Jive instance) of this object. This field is internal to Jive and should not be confused with contentID or placeID used in URIs. |
lastActivityDate | ISO 8601 Date | read-only | Date and time when this had its last activity. Since: 3.12 |
likeCount | Integer | read-only | Number of people who have liked this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support being liked. |
name | String | read-only | The filename of this file. Since: 3.1 |
onBehalfOf | OnBehalfOf | optional | Information that is available when the content was posted by the author on behalf of another person. This person may be an anonymous user, an unknown user with just an email address or another user of Jive. Since: 3.12 |
outcomeCounts | Object | read-only | Map of structured outcome type names that have been assigned to this content object, and a count of how many times they appear. For top level content objects like Discussion, Document, File, and Post, outcomes assigned to child comments and messages will also be included. Availability:Only available for content object types that support structured outcomes Since: 3.3 |
outcomeTypeNames | String[] | read-only | List of structured outcome type names that have been assigned to this content object. For top level content objects like Discussion, File, and Document, outcomes assigned to child comments and messages will also be included. Availability:Only available for content object types that support structured outcomes Since: 3.3 |
outcomeTypes | OutcomeType[] | optional | A list of valid outcome types that can be set on this piece of content |
parent | String | optional | URI of the parent place of this content object. When visibility is place then the URI points to a place (and is required on create). Otherwise, this field is not part of the returned JSON (and must not be included on create). |
parentContent | Summary | read-only | Summary information about the content object that is the parent of this object. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
parentContentVisible | Boolean | read-only | Flag indicating that the content parent's contents are visible to the viewer. |
parentPlace | Summary | read-only | Summary information about the place that contains this object. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
parentVisible | Boolean | read-only | Flag indicating that the content parent is visible to the viewer. |
published | ISO 8601 Date | read-only | Date and time when this content object was originally created. |
replyCount | Integer | read-only | Number of replies to this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support replies. |
resources | Object | read-only | Resource links (and related permissions for the requesting person) relevant to this object. |
restrictComments | Boolean | optional | Flag indicating that old comments will be visible but new comments are not allowed. If not restricted then anyone with appropriate permissions can comment on the content. Since: 3.3 |
searchRankings | Object | read-only | A map of search result scores including social signals. Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
size | Integer | read-only | The size (in bytes) of this file. Since: 3.1 |
status | String | read-only | The published status of this file.
subject | String | optional | Subject of this content object. If no subject is specified during creation then subject will default to the name of the file. |
| String[] | optional | Tags associated with this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support tags |
type | String | required | The object type of this object ("file"). This field is required when creating new content. |
updated | ISO 8601 Date | read-only | Date and time this content object was most recently updated. |
updatedOnBehalfOf | OnBehalfOf | optional | Information that is available when the content was updated by the author on behalf of another person. This person may be an anonymous user, an unknown user with just an email address or another user of Jive. Since: 3.12 |
updater | Person | read-only | The last person that updated this file. If not present, the last person to update this file
was the person referenced in the Since: 3.12 |
users | Person[] | optional | The list of users that can see the content. On create or update, provide a list of Person URIs or Person entities. On get, returns a list of Person entities. This value is used only when visibility is people. |
version | Integer | read-only | The version of the document entity. Documents can have multiple versions and each time a document is updated
the version field is incremented. This is not necessarily how many versions exist of a document but
the specific version of the document which this entity represents.Retrieves: |
via | Via | optional | Information that is available when the content was posted via an external system. Since: 3.12 |
viewCount | Integer | read-only | Number of times this content object has been viewed. Availability:Will be present only for objects that support view counts |
visibility | String | optional | The visibility policy for this content object. Valid values are:
visibleToExternalContributors | Boolean | read-only | Flag indicating that this content object is potentially visible to external contributors. |
followed | Boolean | read-only | Whether the current user is following this object. Availability:Will be present only for object types that support being followed. |
promotedResult | Boolean | read-only | A boolean determining whether this search result is a promoted result Availability:Will be present in search results only. |
Resource | Method | Description |
childOutcomeTypes | GET | Return a paginated list of possible outcomes types on the content object's children. Retrieves: |
comments | POST | Add a comment about this content object. The minimum JSON object needed to create a comment is: { "content": {"type": "text/html", "text": " Takes:
Retrieves: |
comments | GET | Return a paginated list of the comments about this content object. Retrieves: |
extprops | DELETE | Deletes all extended properties for content. Availability:Content should be editable to caller. |
extprops | GET | Returns extended properties for content. Availability:Content should be visible to caller. Retrieves: |
extprops | POST | Creates extended properties for content. { "any prop name": "any val", "any prop2 name": "any val" } Availability:Content should be editable to caller. Retrieves: |
followers | GET | Return a paginated list of the people following this content. Retrieves:Since: 3.5 |
followingIn | GET | Return the list of custom streams in which the requesting person is following this file (if any). Retrieves: |
html | GET | Return the HTML representation of this content object. |
likes | POST | Register that the requesting person likes this file. Availability:Must be authenticated, must not be your own file, and must not have liked this file already |
likes | GET | Return a paginated list of people who like this file. Retrieves: |
read | POST | Mark this file as having been read. Since: 3.2 |
read | DELETE | Mark this file as having not been read. Since: 3.2 |
outcomes | POST | Register that the requesting person created the outcome. Here is an example of a JSON with the minimum set of fields you must include: { "outcomeType": { "id": 1 } } Availability:Must be authenticated, must not be able to read the content, and must not have the same outcome type on this comment already Takes:
Retrieves: |
outcomes | GET | Return a paginated list of outcomes on the content. Retrieves: |
outcomeTypes | GET | Return a paginated list of possible outcomes types on the content. Retrieves: |
self | GET | Return an updated version of this content object. Retrieves: |
self | PUT | Update the information about this content object. Retrieves: |
self | DELETE | Delete this content object and any related comments and other related information. |
likes | DELETE | Delete the like of this file by the requesting person. Availability:Must be authenticated, and must have liked this file already |
versions | GET | Return a paginated list of versions of this file. Retrieves: |