
Information about the object being moderated. See Moderation for information about the entity that contains this object.

Since: 3.12


FieldTypeMode Description
actorPersonread-onlyThe person associated with this object being moderated. The value of this field varies depending on the type of moderation, as described below.
  • moderated content: the author
  • person registration: the registrant
  • profile image: the owner of the profile for which this image is being added
  • abuse item: last person who flagged the content as abusive
displayNameStringread-onlyShort name for this object being moderated. Refer to the list below for what this field contains, depending on the type of moderation.
  • moderated content: the subject field for the content
  • person registration: name of the person
  • profile image: the string 'Profile Image'
htmlStringread-onlyA URI to the HTML representation of this object.

Identifier (unique within an object type and Jive instance) of this object.

imageMediaLinkread-onlyA media link representing the image of this object. The value of this field varies depending on the type of moderation, as described below.
  • moderated content: avatar of the author
  • person registration: avatar of the registrant
  • profile image: the image being moderated
  • abuse item: avatar of the last person who flagged the content as abusive
objectTypeStringread-onlyThe type of this object being moderated. Example values: comment, discussion, document, person, profileImage.
publishedISO 8601 Dateread-onlyThe date and time this object was first published to the community.

Resource links (and related permissions for the requesting person) relevant to this object.

summaryStringread-onlySummary for this object being moderated. Up to 256 characters. Refer to the list below for what this field contains, depending on the type of moderation.
  • moderated content: the text content
  • person registration: N/A
  • profile image: 'Profile Image for ' followed by the name of the person
updatedISO 8601 Dateread-onlyThe date and time this object was last updated.
urlStringread-onlyA URI to the v3 REST API representation of this object.
→ Fields used by update and create operations
→ Fields used only by create operations
→ Fields not used by update or create operations