
Person Service

REST endpoint for interacting with Jive users via an API that is compatible with OpenSocial.

Get Person by Email

Perform a GET request to /people/email/{email_address}. Here is an example curl command of getting one person by email and retrieving only the "name" field:

curl -u liz.employee:password ""

Get Person by Username

Perform a GET request to /people/username/{username}. Here is an example curl command of getting one person by username and retrieving only the "emails" and "name" fields:

curl -u person:password ",name"

Create Personal Task

Perform a POST request to /people/{personID}/tasks. Here is an example curl command of creating a task for a user with ID 1234:

curl -u user:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "subject": "Organize teambuilding event", "dueDate": "2012-12-05T06:59:59.999+0000" }'

Create Terms And Conditions

POST /people/{personID}/acceptTermsAndConditions

Accept the terms and conditions for the authenticated user.

Path Parameters:
personIDStringtrueAuthenticated user. Use @me or the ID of the authenticated user.
Return Status:
HTTP Status CodeDescription
403 (Forbidden)Specified user is not the authenticated user
404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist
Since: 3.4

Create Expertise Tag

POST /people/{personID}/expertise/endorse

Add expertise tag(s) to a person

Path Parameters:
personIDStringtrueID of the person
  • JSON array of tag strings. Limit the number of tags per call to 200.
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    400 (Bad Request)An input field was malformed
    410 (Gone)Expertise feature is disabled
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist

    Update Expertise Tag

    PUT /people/{personID}/expertise/endorse/{tagName}

    Used to approve a tag that a user has been endorsed with. The current user and the specified user must be the same or an authorization error will occur.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueCurrent user ID
    tagNameStringtrueName of the tag to approve endorsements for
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    410 (Gone)Expertise feature is disabled
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified tag or person does not exist

    Create Ext Props

    POST /people/{personID}/extprops

    Save a new set of extended properties for a person with specified characteristics, and return an entity representing the newly created extended properties.

    This service only accepts oAuth authentication. Assuming that the oAuth token used to access this service was acquired through 2-legged oAuth, the properties being created on the target person will be those associated with the consumer of the oAuth token.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person for which to create a extended properties
  • ExtProps describing the extended properties to be saved
  • Retrieves:
  • ExtProps representing the newly created extended props
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed or max number of extended properties has been reached
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to manage ext properties for person

    Create Ext Props For Addon

    POST /people/{personID}/extprops/addOn/{addonUUID}

    Save a new set of extended properties for a person with specified characteristics, and return an entity representing the newly created extended properties.

    This service only accepts oAuth authentication. Assuming that the oAuth token used to access this service was acquired through 2-legged oAuth, this service will validate that the consumer of the oAuth token can access the specified add-on.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person for which to create a extended properties
    addonUUIDStringtrueUUID of the addon for which the properties are created.
  • ExtProps describing the extended properties to be saved
  • Retrieves:
  • ExtProps representing the newly created extended props
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed or max number of extended properties has been reached
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to manage ext properties for person
    Since: 3.9

    Update Following

    PUT /people/{personID}/@following/{followedPersonID}

    Create a following relationship between the specified user and the specified followed user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user who will be following
    followedPersonIDStringtrueID of the user who will be followed
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to create this relationship
    404 (Not Found)One or both of the specified users cannot be found

    Create Page

    POST /people/{personID}/pages

    Create a new Page for a user based on the contents of the specified Page. Only modifiable fields that actually provide a value in the incoming entity are processed.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueAuthenticated user. Use @me or the ID of the authenticated user.
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    403 (Forbidden)Specified user is not the authenticated user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist
    400 (Bad Request)An input field was malformed
    409 (Conflict)Requested change would cause business rules to be violated
    Since: 3.9

    Create Person

    POST /people

    Create a Person for a new user based on the contents of the specified Person. Only modifiable fields that actually provide a value in the incoming entity are processed.

    The JSON representation of the absolute minimum information that must be included to create a new person looks like this:

          "emails" : [ {
              "value" : "{emailAddress}",
              "type" : "work",
              "primary" : true,
              "jive_label" : "Email"
          } ],
          "jive" : {
              "password" : "{password}",
              "username" : "{username}"
          "name" : {
          "familyName" : "{lastName}",
          "givenName" : "{firstName}"
    Query Parameters:
    welcomeBooleanfalseFlag indicating that a welcome email should be sent to the newly created user (since 3.2)
    publishedStringfalseDate and time when this person was originally created. Only set this field when importing people. Since 3.6.
    fieldsStringfalseThe fields to include in the returned entity
  • Person containing information describing the new user
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Any of the input fields are malformed
    409 (Conflict)Requested change would cause business rules to be violated (such as more than one user with the same email address)
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorized to make changes to the specified user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist
    501 (Not Implemented)User creation is not supported in this Jive instance

    Update Report

    PUT /people/{personID}/@reports/{reportPersonID}

    Create a manager-report relationship between the specified user and the specified report user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user which will be the manager in the new relationship
    reportPersonIDStringtrueID of the user which will be the direct report in the new relationship
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to create this relationship
    410 (Gone)Organization Chart relationships are not supported by this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)One or both of the specified users cannot be found

    Create Stream

    POST /people/{personID}/streams

    Create a new custom stream for the specified user, based on the information in the specified Stream. Then, return a 201 with a Stream reflecting the new stream configuration. You can discover the maximum allowed length for stream names by using the metadata property "".

    The following fields are processed from the incoming stream entity:

    • name - the name of the new stream (must be unique per user)
    • receiveEmails - flag indicating whether the user wants to receive email from this stream
    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for whom to create a new stream, or null for the calling user
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on the newly created entity (defaults to @all)
  • Configuration information to construct the new stream
  • Retrieves:
  • Stream describing the newly created stream
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)One or more input values is malformed
    409 (Conflict)Requesting to create a custom stream with a name that already exists; or max number of streams has been reached
    403 (Forbidden)Requester is not allowed to manage custom streams for the specified user (i.e. not the specified user or a Jive admin)
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Create Task

    POST /people/{personID}/tasks

    Create a personal Task.

    The JSON representation of the absolute minimum information that must be included to create a new personal task looks like this:

      "subject": "Clean the carpet",
      "dueDate" : "2013-07-12T06:59:59.999+0000",
      "type": "task"
    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for which to create a task
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to include in the returned Task
  • Task containing information describing the new personal task
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Any of the input fields are malformed
    409 (Conflict)New entity would conflict with system restrictions (such as two contents of the same type with the same name)
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to access the specified content
    Since: 3.1

    Destroy Avatar

    DELETE /people/{personID}/avatar

    Delete the active avatar for the specified user. Only uploaded avatars can be deleted. The system avatar will be selected for the user after the delete operation is completed.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified user
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    409 (Conflict)if user tries to delete an avatar that cannot be deleted
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified user or profile image cannot be found

    Destroy Expertise Tag

    DELETE /people/{personID}/expertise/{tagName}

    Remove an expertise tag from a person.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person
    tagNamePathSegmenttrueName of the tag
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified tag or person does not exist

    Destroy Expertise Tag2

    DELETE /people/{personID}/expertise/

    Remove an expertise tag from a person, where the name of the tag is specified query string. This alternative version allows backslashes in the tag name

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person
    Query Parameters:
    tagNameStringfalseName of the tag
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified tag or person does not exist

    Destroy Ext Props

    DELETE /people/{personID}/extprops

    Delete the existing extended properties for the specified person.

    This service only accepts oAuth authentication. Assuming that the oAuth token used to access this service was acquired through 2-legged oAuth, the properties deleted from the target person will be those associated with the consumer of the oAuth token.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person for which the extended properties are to be deleted
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to delete properties
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist

    Destroy Ext Props For Addon

    DELETE /people/{personID}/extprops/addOn/{addonUUID}

    Delete the existing extended properties for the specified person.

    This service only accepts oAuth authentication. Assuming that the oAuth token used to access this service was acquired through 2-legged oAuth, this service will validate that the consumer of the oAuth token can access the specified add-on.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person for which the extended properties are to be deleted
    addonUUIDStringtrueUUID of the addon for which the properties are deleted.
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to delete properties
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist
    Since: 3.9

    Destroy Following

    DELETE /people/{personID}/@following/{followedPersonID}

    Delete a following relationship between the specified user and the specified followed user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user who is following
    followedPersonIDStringtrueID of the user who is followed
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    409 (Conflict)Following relationship does not exist between these two users
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to delete this relationship
    404 (Not Found)One or both of the specified users cannot be found

    Destroy Person

    DELETE /people/{personID}

    Trigger a background task to delete the specified person, and all of their content. Returns an HTTP 202 (Accepted) status to indicate the the deletion request has been accepted. The only way that a client can tell it has been completed is by trying a GET on the person URI, and waiting until a NotFoundException is returned.

    WARNING - It is possible that errors during the deletion process might cause the delete to be abandoned.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person to be deleted
  • Information about the request URI for this request (supplied automatically by the system)
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    202 (Accepted)Background task has been queued to delete the specified person.
    400 (Bad Request)Specified ID is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorized to delete this user (Jive admin only)
    404 (Not Found)ID does not identify a valid user
    501 (Not Implemented)User deletion is not supported in this Jive instance

    Destroy Profile Image

    DELETE /people/{personID}/images/{index}

    Delete the specified profile image for the specified user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified user
    indexIntegertrue1-relative index of the specified profile image
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified index is out of range
    410 (Gone)Profile images are not enabled in this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user or profile image cannot be found

    Destroy Report

    DELETE /people/{personID}/@reports/{reportPersonID}

    Delete (i.e. retire) an existing manager-report relationship between the specified manager user and the specified report user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user which is the manager in the existing relationship
    reportPersonIDStringtrueID of the user which is the direct report in the existing relationship
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    204 (No Content)Request was successful
    409 (Conflict)Manager-report relationship does not currently exist between these two users
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to delete this relationship
    410 (Gone)Organization Chart relationships are not supported by this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)One or both of the specified users cannot be found

    Get Activity

    GET /people/{personID}/activities

    Return the specified profile activities for the specified user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for which to return profile activities
    Query Parameters:
    afterStringfalseDate and time representing the minimum "last activity in a collection" timestamp for selecting activities (cannot specify both after and before)
    beforeStringfalseDate and time representing the maximum "last activity in a collection" timestamp for selecting activities (cannot specify both after and before)
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of activities to return in this request (you may get more activities than this in order to get all of the activities in the last collection)
    filterObject[]falseFilter expression(s) used to select matching results
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be included in the returned activities
    collapseBooleanfalseWhether collapse the results such that there is only one entry per jive object
    oldestUnreadBooleanfalseEffective only when "collapse" is true. When this flag is set to true, service includes oldest unread item in collapsed list
  • Activity[]
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    400 (Bad Request)Specified user ID is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to retrieve activities for the specified user
    404 (Not Found)Activities or the specified user is not found

    Get All People

    GET /people/@all

    Return a paginated list of Persons for users that match the specified criteria. Users will be sorted by userID ascending.

    This service supports the following filters. Only one filter of each type is allowed. Parameters, when used, should be wrapped in parentheses, and multiple values separated by commas. See the examples for clarification.

    Filter Params Example
    include-disabled Include deactivated users (default=false) ?filter=include-disabled(true)
    include-external Include external users (default=false). These are users that represent external systems or are external people that have been invited to join a place. Since 3.14. ?filter=include-external(true)
    visible-only Do not include invisible users (default=true means only visible users) ?filter=visible-only(false)
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size) which will be bounded by the system property
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
    filterObject[]falseOptional set of filter expressions to select the returned objects
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information

    Get Avatar

    GET /people/{personID}/avatar

    Return the binary content of the avatar image for the specified user. If width is defined and height is not defined (or vice versa) then the returned size will depend on the value defined for aspect ratio. For instance, if the original image is 100 (W)x 600 (H) and 50 (W) is requested with preserveAspectRatio equals true, then the returned image will be 50 (W) x 300 (H). If preserveAspectRatio was false then the returned image will be 50 (W) x 600 (H). Remember that width and height are maximum possible values. This means that if you request 150 (W) then you will get 100 (W) since that is the size of the image.

    Parameters width or height are optional, when not defined then the original avatar image will be returned.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for which to return an avatar
    Query Parameters:
    widthStringfalseSuggested width for resizing the image. If image is small than the requested size then original size is preserved.
    heightStringfalseSuggested height for resizing the image. If image is small than the requested size then original size is preserved.
    preserveAspectRatioStringfalse"true" or "false", indicating whether to preserve the original image's aspect ratio
  • Binary content of the avatar image
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified user ID is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to retrieve the avatar for the specified user
    500 (Internal Server Error)Processing error occurred accessing the avatar image
    404 (Not Found)Avatar image for the specified user was not found

    Get Avatar Deactivated

    GET /people/avatar/deactivated

    Return the binary content of the avatar image for deactivated users.

    Query Parameters:
    widthStringfalseSuggested width for resizing the image (must be less than original width)
    heightStringfalseSuggested height for resizing the image (must be less than original height)
    preserveAspectRatioStringfalse"true" or "false", indicating whether to preserve the original image's aspect ratio
  • Binary content of the avatar image
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    500 (Internal Server Error)Processing error occurred accessing the avatar image

    Get Blog

    GET /people/{personID}/blog

    Return the personal blog for the specified user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for which to return a personal blog
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (default is @all)
  • Blog containing the person's blog
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    400 (Bad Request)Any input field is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to delete the blog for this user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user or blog does not exist

    Get Colleagues

    GET /people/{personID}/@colleagues

    Return a paginated list of Persons about colleagues of the specified person (i.e. those who report to the same manager that this person does).

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • Person[] listing the colleagues of the specified user
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    410 (Gone)Organization Chart relationships are not supported by this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Common Bidirectional

    GET /people/{personID}/@common

    Return a paginated list of Persons about bidirectionally related users that you and the specified person have in common (i.e. any person whom you and the specified person are both following, and who is following both you and specified person).

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • Person[] listing the common bidirectionally related users
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Ext Props

    GET /people/{personID}/extprops

    Return the specified extended properties of a place.

    This service only accepts oAuth authentication. Assuming that the oAuth token used to access this service was acquired through 2-legged oAuth, the properties being fetched from the target person will be those associated with the consumer of the oAuth token.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person that is associated to the extended properties
  • ExtProps containing the specified extended properties
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist

    Get Ext Props For Add On

    GET /people/{personID}/extprops/addOn/{addonUUID}

    Return the specified extended properties of a place.

    This service only accepts oAuth authentication. Assuming that the oAuth token used to access this service was acquired through 2-legged oAuth, this service will validate that the consumer of the oAuth token can access the specified add-on.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person that is associated to the extended properties
    addonUUIDStringtrueUUID of the addon for which the properties are fetched.
  • ExtProps containing the specified extended properties
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist
    Since: 3.9

    Get Featured Content

    GET /people/{personID}/@featuredContent

    Return a list of featured content objects for the specified person. This is the same as requesting the featured content for the specified person's container via getFeaturedContent(personID, filters, fields, abridged).

    This service supports the following filters. Parameters, when used, should be wrapped in parentheses, and multiple values separated by commas. See the examples for clarification.

    Filter Params Example
    type one or more object types of desired contained content objects (document, discussion, post, poll) separated by commas ?filter=type(document,discussion)

    The returned list may contain a mixture of content entities of various types. On any given content object entity, use the type field to determine the type of that particular content.

    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on each content
    abridgedBooleanfalseFlag indicating that if content.text is requested, it will be abridged (length shortened, HTML tags removed)
  • Content[] of the matched content objects
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to access the specified content object
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist, or their container is missing
    Since: 3.2

    Get Filterable Fields

    GET /people/@filterableFields

    Return the set of fields that can be used for filtering users in this Jive instance.

  • String[]
  • Get Followers

    GET /people/{personID}/@followers

    Return a paginated list of Persons about people who are following the specified person.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified person
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • Person listing people following the specified person
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Following

    GET /people/{personID}/@following

    Return a paginated list of Persons about people the specified person is following.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified person
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • Person listing people the specified person is following
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Following In

    GET /people/{personID}/followingIn

    Return a list of Streams in which the requesting user is following this person (if any).

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user being followed
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on matching custom streams (default is @owned)
  • Stream[]
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Following Person

    GET /people/{personID}/@following/{followedPersonID}

    Return a Person describing the followed person, if a following relationship from the specified person exists.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified person
    followedPersonIDStringtrueID of the followed person (if any)
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for all fields)
  • Person describing the followed person
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Following relationship does not exist between these two users
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to retrieve this user information
    404 (Not Found)One or both of the specified users cannot be found

    Get Manager

    GET /people/{personID}/@manager

    Return a Person describing the manager of the specified person.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for all fields)
  • Person describing the manager of the specified user
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    410 (Gone)Organization Chart relationships are not supported by this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Metadata

    GET /people/@metadata

    Return metadata about our data object type in this Jive instance.

  • Object
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful

    Get News

    GET /people/{personID}/@news

    Return the specified news activity visible to the requesting person.

    Query Parameters:
    maxPerStreamIntegerfalseMaximum number of activities per user's stream
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be included in returned activities
  • News
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified stream ID is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to retrieve activities for the specified stream
    404 (Not Found)Activities or the specified stream is not found

    Get Pages

    GET /people/{personID}/pages

    Return a list of pages(currently only one) Page that a user has created with parent as user. currently you can only create one page with user as parent

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueAuthenticated user. Use @me or the ID of the authenticated user.
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    403 (Forbidden)Specified user is not the authenticated user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist
    400 (Bad Request)An input field was malformed
    Since: 3.9

    Get Pages Prototype

    GET /people/{personID}/pages/prototype

    Return a new page, that is not persistent, based on the default Your View page.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtruethe authenticated user. Use @me or the ID of the authenticated user.
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    400 (Bad Request)personID parameter is not specified or invalid
    403 (Forbidden)Specified user is not the authenticated user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist

    Get Pending Expertise Tags

    GET /people/{personID}/expertise/pending

    Returns all of the tags that the user has been endorsed with but has not yet approved. The current user and the specified user must be the same or a forbidden error will occur.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person
  • All the tags the current user has not approved
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist

    Get People

    GET /people

    Return a paginated list of Persons for users that match the specified criteria.

    This service supports the following filters. Only one filter of each type is allowed. Parameters, when used, should be wrapped in parentheses, and multiple values separated by commas. See the examples for clarification.

    Filter Params Example
    company Single value to match against the Company profile field. ?filter=company(Jive+Software)
    department Single value to match against the Department profile field. ?filter=department(Engineering)
    hire-date One or two dates in ISO-8601 format. One date indicates selection of all people hired on or after the specified date. Two dates indicates selection of all people hired between the specified dates. ?filter=hire-date(2012-01-31T22:46:12.044%2B0000,2012-12-03T22:46:12.044%2B0000)
    include-disabled Optional boolean value indicating whether disabled users should be returned (without a filter, defaults to false). ?filter=include-disabled or ?filter=include-disabled(true)
    include-external Optional boolean value indicating whether external (non-person) users should be returned (without a filter, defaults to false). ?filter=include-external or ?filter=include-external(true)
    include-online Optional boolean value indicating whether only online users should be returned (without a filter, defaults to false). ?filter=include-online or ?filter=include-online(true)
    include-partner Optional boolean value indicating whether partner (external contributor) users should be returned (without a filter, defaults to true). ?filter=include-partner(false)
    lastProfileUpdate One or two timestamps in ISO-8601 format. If one timestamp is specified, all persons who have updated their profile since that timestamp will be selected. If two timestamps are specified, all persons who updated their profile in the specified range will be selected. ?filter=lastProfileUpdate(2012-01-31T22:46:12.044%2B0000,2012-12-03T22:46:12.044%2B0000)
    location Single value to match against the Location profile field. ?filter=location(Portland)
    nameonly Optional boolean value indicating whether or not to limit search results to only people that match by name. Without a filter, defaults to false. ?filter=nameonly(true) or ?filter=nameonly
    published One or two timestamps in ISO-8601 format. If one timestamp is specified, all persons created since that timestamp will be selected. If two timestamps are specified, all persons created in the specified range will be selected. ?filter=updated(2012-01-31T22:46:12.044%2B0000,2012-12-03T22:46:12.044%2B0000)
    search One or more search terms, separated by commas. You must escape any of the following special characters embedded in the search terms: comma (","), backslash ("\"), left parenthesis ("("), and right parenthesis (")") by preceding them with a backslash. ?filter=search(test,report) or ?filter=search(10\,000)
    tag One or more tag values, separated by commas. A match on any of the tags will cause this person to be returned. ?filter=tag(sales,performance)
    title Single value to match against the Title profile field. ?filter=title(Marketing+Manager)
    updated One or two timestamps in ISO-8601 format. If one timestamp is specified, all persons updated since that timestamp will be selected. If two timestamps are specified, all persons updated in the specified range will be selected. ?filter=updated(2012-01-31T22:46:12.044%2B0000,2012-12-03T22:46:12.044%2B0000)

    This service supports the following sort types.

    Sort Description
    dateJoinedAsc Sort by joined date in ascending order.
    dateJoinedDesc Sort by joined date in descending order.
    firstNameAsc Sort by first name in ascending order. This is the default sort order.
    lastNameAsc Sort by last name in ascending order.
    lastProfileUpdateAsc Sort by last profile update date/time in ascending order.
    lastProfileUpdateDesc Sort by last profile update date/time in descending order.
    relevanceDesc Sort by relevance, in descending order.
    statusLevelDesc Sort by status level in descending order.
    updatedAsc Sort by the date this person was most recently updated, in ascending order.
    updatedDesc Sort by the date this person was most recently updated, in descending order.
    Query Parameters:
    idsStringfalsePerson IDs (comma delimited) of the individual people to be returned
    queryStringfalseQuery string containing search terms (or null for no search criteria)
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
    filterObject[]falseOptional set of filter expressions to select the returned objects
    sortStringfalseOptional sort to apply to the search results
    originStringfalseOrigin of this search request. Used mainly for analytics to keep track of who's making the request
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information

    Get Person

    GET /people/{personID}

    Return a Person describing the requested Jive user by ID.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the requested Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseField names to be returned (default is all)
  • Person
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified ID is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this user
    404 (Not Found)ID does not identify a valid user

    Get Person By Email

    GET /people/email/{email}

    Return a Person describing the requested Jive user by email address.

    Path Parameters:
    emailStringtrueEmail address of the requested Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseField names to be returned (default is @all)
  • Person
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified email address is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this user
    404 (Not Found)ID does not identify a valid user

    Get Person By External Identity

    GET /people/external/{identityType}/{identity : \([a-zA-Z0-9+/=]+\)|[^/]+}

    Return a Person describing the requested Jive user by external identity.

    Path Parameters:
    identityTypeStringtrueType of external identity (eg. SAML, FACEBOOK, LDAP_DN or OPEN_ID)
    identityStringtrueUsername of the user in the external system
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseField names to be returned (default is @all)
  • Person
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified email address is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this user
    404 (Not Found)ID does not identify a valid user
    Since: 3.6

    Get Person By Username

    GET /people/username/{username}

    Return a Person describing the requested Jive user by username.

    Path Parameters:
    usernameStringtrueUsername of the requested Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseField names to be returned (default is all)
  • Person
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified email address is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this user
    404 (Not Found)ID does not identify a valid user

    Get Private Props

    GET /people/{personID}/privateprops

    Return the specified private properties of a place.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person that is associated to the extended properties
  • ExtProps containing the specified extended properties
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to manage ext properties for person
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist

    Get Profile Field Privacy

    GET /people/{personID}/profilePrivacy/{fieldID}

    Return the specified ProfileFieldPrivacy that describes the visibility of the profile field.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified person
    fieldIDStringtrueID of the profile field
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • ProfileFieldPrivacy that describes the visibility of the profile field
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    404 (Not Found)Specified user or field cannot be found
    Since: 3.13

    Get Profile Fields Privacy

    GET /people/{personID}/profilePrivacy

    Return a paginated list of ProfileFieldPrivacys that describes the visibility of each profile field.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified person
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • ProfileFieldPrivacy list that describes the visibility of each profile field
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found
    Since: 3.13

    Get Profile Image

    GET /people/{personID}/images/{index}

    Return a ProfileImage describing the specified profile image information for the specified user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified user
    indexIntegertrue1-relative index of the specified profile image
  • ProfileImage
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified index is out of range
    410 (Gone)Profile images are not enabled in this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user or profile image cannot be found

    Get Profile Image Data

    GET /people/{personID}/images/{index}/data

    Return the binary profile image data for the specified profile image for the specified user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified user
    indexIntegertrue1-relative index of the specified profile image
    Query Parameters:
    sizeIntegerfalseSize (in pixels) of the requested profile image, or 0 for the default. It must be one of a predefined set of available sizes, depending on Jive version. Note that the source image might not allow for the higher sizes, in those cases the biggest possible image will be returned.
  • Binary content of the specified image
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified index is out of range, or the size is invalid
    410 (Gone)Profile images are not enabled in this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user or profile image cannot be found

    Get Profile Images

    GET /people/{personID}/images

    Return a list of ProfileImages for the profile images of the specified person.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified person
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on the profile images
  • ProfileImage[]
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful

    Get Recognition

    GET /people/{personID}/@recognition

    Return the specified activities from the stream of all activity visible to the requesting person.

    Query Parameters:
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of activities to return in this request (you may get more activities than this in order to get all of the activities in the last collection)
    maxOutcomesIntegerfalseMaximum number of outcome related activities to return in this request
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be included in returned activities
  • Activity[]
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Specified stream ID is missing or malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not allowed to retrieve activities for the specified stream
    404 (Not Found)Activities or the specified stream is not found

    Get Recommended People

    GET /people/recommended

    Return a list of recommended Persons for users. Do a GET to /api/core/v3/metadata/properties/feature.recommender.enabled to figure out whether recommendation service is enabled or not.

    Query Parameters:
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of users to be returned
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    410 (Gone)Recommendation feature is disabled
    Since: 3.1

    Get Report

    GET /people/{personID}/@reports/{reportPersonID}

    Return a Person describing the specified direct report of the specified person, if such a relationship exists.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified (manager) Jive user
    reportPersonIDStringtrueID of the report for which information should be returned
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • Person describing the direct report
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)No manager-report relationship exists between these people
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this user information
    410 (Gone)Organization Chart relationships are not supported by this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Reports

    GET /people/{personID}/@reports

    Return a paginated list of Persons describing the direct reports of the specified person.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • Person[] listing the direct reports of the specified person
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    410 (Gone)Organization Chart relationships are not supported by this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Resources

    GET /people/@resources

    Return metadata about the resources available for our data object type in this Jive instance.

  • Resource[]
  • Get Roles

    GET /people/{personID}/roles

    Returns the system entitlements and whether the specified user is entitled.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for whom to return entitlements
  • PersonRoles
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    403 (Forbidden)Requester is not allowed to view entitlements for this user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Security Groups

    GET /people/{personID}/securityGroups

    Return a list of SecurityGroups that the specified user is a member of. Note that this list will NOT include any security groups that this person is an administrator of. Because the number of security groups will generally be very small, pagination is not supported.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for whom to return security groups
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned
  • SecurityGroup[]
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    403 (Forbidden)Requester is not allowed to view security groups for the owning user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Social Users

    GET /people/{personID}/@social

    Return a paginated list of Persons about the people with whom the specified person interacts most frequently.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • Person[] listing the most frequently interacted people
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)The request criteria are malformed
    403 (Forbidden)The requesting user is not authorize to retrieve this user information
    404 (Not Found)The specified user cannot be found

    Get Streams

    GET /people/{personID}/streams

    Return a list of Streams for the specified user. Because the number of streams will generally be very small, pagination is not supported.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for whom to return custom streams
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (default value is "@owned")
  • Stream[]
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    403 (Forbidden)Requester is not allowed to view custom streams for the owning user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Get Supported Fields

    GET /people/@supportedFields

    Return the set of fields for our object type that are supported in this Jive instance.

  • String[]
  • Get Tags User Tagged On User

    GET /people/{personID}/expertise/endorse

    Returns all the tags that the current user endorsed the user with the id specified with.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user to see who the current user tagged
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
  • The tags the current user tagged the specified user with
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    410 (Gone)Expertise feature is disabled
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist

    Get Tasks

    GET /people/{personID}/tasks

    Return a paginated list of personal tasks for the specified person.

    This service supports the following filters. Parameters, when used, should be wrapped in parentheses, and multiple values separated by commas. See the examples for clarification.

    Filter Params Example
    completed boolean that indicates whether completed or pending tasks should be returned ?filter=completed(false)

    This service supports the following sort types.

    Sort Description
    dueDateAsc Sort by the date this task is due, in ascending order. Default if none was specified.
    dateCreatedAsc Sort by the date this task was created, in ascending order
    dateCreatedDesc Sort by the date this task was created, in descending order
    latestActivityAsc Sort by the date this task had the most recent activity, in ascending order
    latestActivityDesc Sort by the date this task had the most recent activity, in descending order
    titleAsc Sort by task subject, in ascending order
    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified Jive user
    Query Parameters:
    filterObject[]falseThe filter criteria used to select tasks. Since 3.11
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index at which to start results
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of tasks to be returned
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be included in the returned entities
    sortStringfalseRequested sort order
  • Task[] listing the personal tasks
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed
    Since: 3.1

    Get Terms And Conditions

    GET /people/{personID}/termsAndConditions

    Return the details of terms and conditions or nothing if terms and conditions is not enabled. Note terms and conditions can be specified inline as text or via an extra url that the customer specifies.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueAuthenticated user. Use @me or the ID of the authenticated user.
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    403 (Forbidden)Specified user is not the authenticated user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist
    Since: 3.4

    Get Top Expertise

    GET /people/{personID}/expertise/top

    Return the top expertise for the specified user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user to return expertise for
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    410 (Gone)Expertise feature is disabled
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist

    Get Trending Content

    GET /people/{personID}/@trendingContent

    Return a list of a user's trending content objects. It's possible for some Jive instances to have recommendation disabled, or too few recommendations, in which case the service falls back to the user's most-liked content unless otherwise specified with the fallback parameter.

    The returned list may contain a mixture of content entities of various types. On any given content object entity, use the type field to determine the type of that particular content.

    This service supports the following filters. Parameters, when used, should be wrapped in parentheses, and multiple values separated by commas. See the examples for clarification.

    Filter Params Example
    type one or more object types of desired contained content objects separated by commas ?filter=type(document,discussion)
    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person
    Query Parameters:
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of contents to be returned
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on each content
    abridgedBooleanfalseFlag indicating that if content.text is requested, it will be abridged (length shortened, HTML tags removed)
    fallbackBooleanfalseFlag indicating whether the result should be padded with most-liked content
  • Content[] of the matched content objects
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to access the specified resource
    410 (Gone)Recommendation feature is disabled (and fallback is off)
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist

    Get Trending People

    GET /people/trending

    Return a list of trending Persons for users that match the specified filter criteria. Do a GET to /api/core/v3/metadata/properties/feature.recommender.enabled to figure out whether recommendation service is enabled or not.

    This service supports the following filters. Parameters, when used, should be wrapper in parenthesis. See the examples for clarification.

    place users that are trending in this place URI (only one allowed) ?filter=place(http://domain/api/core/v3/places/1006)
    Query Parameters:
    filterObject[]falseOptional set of filter expressions to select the returned objects
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of users to be returned
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to access the specified content object
    410 (Gone)Recommendation feature is disabled
    404 (Not Found)Specified place in the filter does not exist
    Since: 3.1

    Get Trending Places

    GET /people/{personID}/@trendingPlaces

    Return a list of trending places. It's possible for some Jive instances to have recommendation disabled, or too few recommendations, in which case the service falls back to the user's most frequent places unless otherwise specified with the fallback parameter.

    The returned list may contain a mixture of place entities of various types (Blog, Group, Project, and Space). On any given place entity, use the type field to determine the type of that particular place.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person
    Query Parameters:
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of places to be returned
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on each place
    fallbackBooleanfalseFlag indicating whether the result should be padded with frequent places
  • Place[] listing the matching places
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to access the specified resource
    410 (Gone)Recommendation feature is disabled (and fallback is off)
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist
    Since: 3.1

    Get Users By Expertise

    GET /people/expertise/{tagName}

    Return paginated list of people that are experts on the specified tag.

    Path Parameters:
    tagNameStringtrueName of the tag
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on the person entities (defaults to @all)
  • Persons with the specified expertise
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    410 (Gone)Expertise feature is disabled
    404 (Not Found)Specified tag does not exist

    Get Who Endorsed

    GET /people/{personID}/expertise/endorsers/{tagName}

    Return the persons that endorsed the specified person with the specified tag.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person who was tagged
    tagNameStringtrueName of the tag
    Query Parameters:
    startIndexIntegerfalseZero-relative index of the first instance to be returned
    countIntegerfalseMaximum number of instances to be returned (i.e. the page size)
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on the person entities (defaults to @all)
  • persons who endorsed
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    410 (Gone)Expertise feature is disabled
    404 (Not Found)Specified person or tag does not exist

    Create Private Props

    POST /people/{personID}/privateprops

    Save a new set of private properties for a person with specified characteristics, and return an entity representing the newly created private properties.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person for which to create a private properties
  • PrivateProps describing the private properties to be saved
  • Retrieves:
  • PrivateProps representing the newly created private props
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed or max number of extended properties has been reached
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to manage ext properties for person
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist

    Upload Update Avatar

    PUT /people/{personID}/avatar

    Set the binary content of the active avatar image for the specified user. The image bits will be uploaded using a multipart request.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for which to set an avatar
    Query Parameters:
    avatarNameStringfalseName of the new avatar (defaults to "user-{id}-avatar")
  • Multipart body that contains the avatar image
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    (Avatar)Error occurred while creating the avatar
    409 (Conflict)if avatars uploading is disabled or user reached max number of custom avatars
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to perform this operation

    Update Avatar

    PUT /people/{personID}/avatar

    Set the binary content of the active avatar image for the specified user by specifying the URL where the image will be fetched from.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user for which to set an avatar
    Query Parameters:
    avatarNameStringfalseName of the new avatar (defaults to "user-{id}-avatar")
    uriStringfalseURI of a JPG, PNG, or GIF formatted image
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    (Avatar)Error occurred while creating the avatar
    400 (Bad Request)The specified URI is malformed
    409 (Conflict)if avatars uploading is disabled or user reached max number of custom avatars
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to perform this operation
    Since: 3.14

    Create Following In

    POST /people/{personID}/followingIn

    Replace the list of Streams in which the requesting user is following this person.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the person being followed
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned on the updated list of streams
  • JSON array of Stream objects or URIs
  • Retrieves:
  • Stream[] updated list of streams
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)An input field is malformed
    404 (Not Found)Specified person does not exist
    Since: 3.3

    Create Profile Image

    POST /people/{personID}/images

    Create the specified profile image for the specified user at the next available index. Return a 201 (Created) status with a Location header containing the URI of the new profile image.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified user
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned in the new profile image
    Form Parameters:
    imageURIStringtrueimageURI URI for the temporary profile image that was previously uploaded
  • imageURI URI for the temporary profile image that was previously uploaded
  • Retrieves:
  • ProfileImage
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request parameter is malformed or index is out of bounds
    410 (Gone)Profile images are not enabled in this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found

    Create Profile Image

    POST /people/{personID}/images/{index}

    Create or replace the specified profile image for the specified user. Return a 201 (Created) status with a Location header containing the URI of the new profile image.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified user
    indexIntegertrue1-relative index of the specified profile image
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned in the new profile image
    Form Parameters:
    imageURIStringtrueimageURI URI for the temporary profile image that was previously uploaded
  • imageURI URI for the temporary profile image that was previously uploaded
  • Retrieves:
  • ProfileImage
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    201 (Created)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request parameter is malformed or index is out of bounds
    410 (Gone)Profile images are not enabled in this Jive instance
    404 (Not Found)Specified user cannot be found


    DELETE /people/{personID}/expertise/endorse/{tagName}

    Removes a tag endorsement from the current user to the specified user.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user that the current user wishes to remove an endorsement from
    tagNameStringtrueTag that the user was endorsed with
    Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    410 (Gone)Expertise feature is disabled
    403 (Forbidden)You are not allowed to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified person or tag does not exist

    Update Person

    PUT /people/{personID}

    Update the specified user based on the contents of the specified Person. Only modifiable fields that actually provide a value in the incoming entity are processed. Then, return a Person reflecting the processed changes.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the user to be updated
  • Person containing our update information
  • Retrieves:
  • Person
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Any of the input fields are malformed
    409 (Conflict)Requested change would cause business rules to be violated (such as more than one user with the same email address)
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorized to make changes to the specified user
    404 (Not Found)Specified user does not exist

    Update Profile Field Privacy

    PUT /people/{personID}/profilePrivacy/{fieldID}

    Update the specified ProfileFieldPrivacy that describes the visibility of the profile field.

    Path Parameters:
    personIDStringtrueID of the specified person
    fieldIDStringtrueID of the profile field
    Query Parameters:
    fieldsStringfalseFields to be returned (or null for summary fields)
  • ProfileFieldPrivacy describing the visibility of the profile field
  • Retrieves:
  • ProfileFieldPrivacy that describes the visibility of the profile field
  • Return Status:
    HTTP Status CodeDescription
    200 (OK)Request was successful
    400 (Bad Request)Request criteria are malformed
    409 (Conflict)The change would conflict with system restrictions (such as visibility cannot be modified)
    403 (Forbidden)Requesting user is not authorize to perform this operation
    404 (Not Found)Specified user or field cannot be found
    Since: 3.14